
Happy Thanksgiving Ya'll.

Ok I know it's after thanksgiving but still - It is always good to give thanks.

I am thankful I got some time back home and I got to see quite a few people that I love. Always does my heart good to be reminded that I am deeply cared for. And though that always makes me harder for me to leave it also makes me appreciate those people even more. I just happen to think I know the best people - but really I think the secret to that is I know me and have tried to surround myself with the best people for me. People who are encouraging and who correct me in love. People who see the best in me even when I don't. People who aren't afraid to get a little dirty when life gets messy.

I am also thankful for my job. I still had to work three days this week and in those three days I was amazed by how much I got done. Amazed by how far I have come in what I am working on and even since I started this job. I was trying to think the other night how to describe what I have been doing other than just saying rearranging archives. I have been trying to think of more to say because there is a way to organize things so that others can easily find exactly what they need - organizing things so that everyone understands the set up. All my years or reorganizing my room have made me a pro at this - who would have thought all of that would come in handy someday.
Anyway part of what was cool this week was that I saw the progress of what I have been doing.
I was thinking about it like this - It's like there is this picture in my head of what this all should look like at the end and moving around the materials in archives is like moving around the pieces of a puzzle. Sadly when it comes to things like organizing the person doing the organizing is often the only person that can see the completed picture. Others may know it's a mess but they don't know how to make it better and don't always know how to help organize things. That where people like me come in handy because we can assess what is there and know how to move what to get the best final result or picture. This week I looked around and I realized that I am almost to the desired result. I just have to move a few more things and then we should be good (unless I run into anything weird like I keep doing).
Also cool is that even though I have put more into the archives room we have more storage space than before. Organizers know how to fit everything together so that it makes sense and uses the space in the most efficient way they can think of.

For me this week stepping back and seeing that floored me. It blows my mind that something God has gifted me with can be a help to others. Sometimes I overlook that because it is just something I am good at and I blow it off as unimportant. But in an age where we can get any kind of information at our finger tips its nice to know that myself and other organizers and librarians can help lead people to the exact information they are looking for and help people discern if it is factual or not. 
I'm very thankful to be a part of that. 

In other news - I have been talking to mom a little about my blog and she says that the people that read this read it because it is just me. I share about my life on here like I would if I were talking to someone. I like that people get that that is what I am trying to do. And it reminded me that people in the past have told me they read this in my voice which also makes me happy. And so I am thankful for you - that you would want to listen to whatever I have to say about how I see life. Listening is a powerful thing.


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