Winter and Sick Bodies

Hi all,

Sorry I missed writing last week. On Sunday I didn't feel good and thought I will write tomorrow when I feel better. Then I felt worse on Monday and completely forgot. Then on Tuesday when I still didn't feel good and took off work I thought forget it I will just write next week. Oddly enough it is kind of a big deal for me that I decided that because it is very easy for me to beat myself up about things and to put pressure on myself that no one else would. So telling myself that it was more than ok to miss posting for a week felt kind of like a break through in getting myself to relax a bit.

In other news a storm is headed my way. People all around town are talking about it and telling each other to be safe tonight and tomorrow. First I love that where I still still has that small town feel of people taking care of each other. I noticed that last week too when I locked myself out of my house. (If you missed that check back on my facebook page. I chronicled the whole thing there. And I still can't believe I locked myself out of my house.) Second I am really not looking forward to the storm. Here's the thing I love all the other seasons. The colors of fall blow my mind every year, summer is the only time when there is a chance I won't be cold, and spring never fails to remind me of the hope we have in Christ. But winter - gosh I really don't like it. My body does not do well in winter and the oftentimes small amounts of energy I have is stretched thinner as my body fights even harder to stay warm. It's zero fun which makes winter and the things I used to enjoy about it harder to enjoy. Luckily I already have tomorrow off for MLK Jr day so I can hide away from the storm and the cold.

And now I am not sure what to write and I am sitting here trying not to put pressure on myself about it which is easier said then done.

I'm not really sure where my thought that to write I need to have something more than just my ramblings to say comes from. In my ramblings I do try to be honest about my life as a sick person. Like above - a lot of people that are chronically sick have problems with cold weather and weather changes. It wears on our bodies a lot. It takes me twice as long to convince myself to get out of bed and not just because it's cold. But in my truth about how my life is I tend to think I should have something more meaningful to say. I don't really know why.

I know that a lot of times I am afraid that what I am saying doesn't make sense or that it comes out as complaining when I am not trying to do that.

What I really want is this - too help people understand what I go through daily and maybe get a glimpse into the life of someone else you know who has a lot of health problems. There is often a lot more going on then we talk about or even know how to say. Even when I am "healthy" my body is still messed up and causing me a lot of pain. I tend to think if I speak about that then maybe I can also help give them tools to help them help others like me.

It's a lot easier to meet people where they are at when you can see the whole picture. I may only be able to show bits and pieces at a time but maybe my bits and pieces can help open the doors to conversation where bigger pictures are seen and therefore people are seen.


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