Some Health Stuff

So I don't have much for you today. Just some health updates.

First as is per usual with my life I have not been sleeping well. And getting out of bed as always is super difficult. Unfortunately my sick body is not like a healthy body. Think of it like this - my body always feels the aches and pains that you would feel when you have a cold plus the aches and pains of that of at least a 60 year old body. Add to that my insomnia so that according to my fit bit I never enter any kind of deep restful sleep - well basically I dread getting out of bed. But life dictated that that is a must. So I do. It just takes a little extra time some mornings.

Second I have lately been having quite a bit of nausea. For over a week it has been the worst about 10 minutes after eating. Though today when I woke up I felt like I was going to throw up which is always a great way to wake up. So I have an appointment with my GI doctor in a little over a week. Because of my past history of polyps and ulcers in my stomach I have to keep a close watch on how my stomach feels and reacts. After I see the doctor in office I will most likely need a scope and I an oddly nervous. Last time I had a scope they didn't find anything but at the time I was still feeling some nausea like there were polyps in my stomach. Though I don't enjoy that I get polyps and that that is somethings that has to be monitored. I dislike feeling sick for no obvious reason more.

But that is often a truth of my life that I must accept.

So some days, like today, I take things very slow and spend the day on the couch. Because sometimes it is really nice to not push my sick body to do the things a healthy body easily does.

May you take the time to rest when needed too.


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