Some Updates and a Little More

Hey All,

So I have some updates of sorts.

I went to the GI Monday and he does not want to do a scope and does not believe that I have polyps. My only symptom has been nausea and usually when I have polyps a lot more is going on including low hemoglobin and my hemoglobin has been great. He does want to take me off of the stomach med I have been on because he says there is no reason why I would still be on it so he is slowly taking me off it. hopefully I will be fully off it in two months. So far that is going really good. He also gave me a medicine to help with the nausea. He does not know why I have nausea but believes it is not GI related. So far backing off that other med has help with my nausea though which is nice. It is still unpredictable when I will feel sick to my stomach and why but it has been lessening.

I also finally went to a chiropractor for the first time since moving here. Even though I have been having some pain I have been putting it off because I often feel like I see enough doctors I don't want to add to it. Also I do not like being touched and a chiropractors job is to touch you. Anyway I saw the chiropractor twice this week - once for a meeting and x-rays and then once to start the adjustments. I will be going back multiple times a week for a while because my neck/spine look like an s and my neck is so messed up and has been for quite some times because I have a bone spur. He doesn't think it is serious and believes with adjustments the growth of it will stop. I sort of think it is funny in a kind of depressing way that I have a bone spur because of course my body is acting like an old body even when it comes to my bones. Also I guess my neck has been a huge mess longer than I realized and I as per usual have just been dealing with it. I have been joking to myself that "My sister made a baby and I made a bone spur." (Yeah ash I know you are either rolling your eyes at me or actually laughing out loud.) And if my understanding about nerves and bones is correct I guess that could be making me feel nauseous too.

In other news I had a blood test yesterday morning. Just the normal monthly blood draw nothing exciting. But when I went into the room the lady started tell me about her daughter Lily. Lily is two and has muscular dystrophy. She is currently on and a new injection that sounds like it is still possibly in the testing phase but has had good results. This momma asked that if I think of it to pray for her daughter and I said I would. I also figure I would pass along the message here. If you want to know more check out longevity for lily on facebook.

As I mentioned to my momma when I was talking to her yesterday I do want to pray for this family and I have been but I often find myself at a lost of what to pray for. I know that might sound funny because I have asked you all to pray for things and some of those same things could be prayed for this family. But I know how deep a connection can be formed with Jesus through this and how sweet that is. But I also know that there are a lot of rough days that they might not want to live through. I had plenty of days where if Jesus would have offered it to me I would have said "let's go home." So I guess I would say pray that they have strength for whatever comes. That always seems to be something that is in short supply. And pray wisdom for the doctors. They are dealing with some tough things and don't just mean the illnesses that ravage our bodies but part of their job is that they watch it. I would also say pray that this family would show others that there is hope even if it isn't here on Earth. Some of you have mentioned that how my family and I have lived and believed throughout my sickness has made a lastly impact on your lives. God can do that with this family as well. And even though it doesn't make the bad days not bad it gives the pain a purpose.

"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:16-18


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