
Hey all,

Not a lot to post this week but I figured since I didn't post last week I would this week.

First I want to say that I love that I keep hearing about people who are excited for me and my house. It should be an interesting and fun adventure. Close day is a little over a week away. And since I was asked this today I am not planning on having a house warming party. I am grateful and thankful for the people who are in my life but inviting you all over at one time to my house sounds daunting and a little suffocating. I truly mean no offense to anyone I just am one of those people that feels uncomfortable in large gathering or with lots of people in my space.

Other than than I was thinking about how I don't really talk about my health on a daily basis now since I am not on dialysis. But I still have daily struggles. This week was amplified by feeling horribly sick all week. The brand of a medication I am on was changed which caused my body to overreact with all the side effects of the medication at once - for a whole week. I still made it though work mostly because I hate missing but even more than that I hate missing when I know that staying home and resting will not help me feel better for the following day. Because med side effects are often one of those things that is not cured with an all day nap I went into work and worked on projects that kept me close to my desk. Also this week when I say med side effects I mean - extreme nausea, diarrhea, hot and cold flashes, head aches, body aches, dizziness, weakness, tiredness, and more.

To be completely honest it is not abnormal for me to feel some of these things even when I am not experiencing med side effects at their finest. But med changes do make everything feel worse. I experience most of these things on a regular daily basis because I am on a lot of meds. Along with that my body is still an unhealthy body that does not know how to function properly. About half the meds I am on basically just trick my body into believing that having an organ that is not mine in my body should be in my body. That can mess with all kinds of things. And because kidney transplants are a treatment not a cure this side of heaven I will always be living in a body that is being treated for how sick and broken it is. So obviously that means that will come with some not so great things like a lot of pain and weakness.

Not always fun but it means I get to be around for fun things - like dancing at a friends wedding, watch America's Got Talent with my nephews, and buying a house. And being reminded daily when I push though the hard stuff that God is with me.

Maye you see that this week as well.


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