Short Wednesday Post

Hey There,

So I am not really sure what to say which is why I have been putting this off for days. I am feeling a bit like I want to cross posting to my blog off of my to do list and that is not often a good reason to write. But here we are anyway.

As previously mentioned in last weeks post I am just grouchy and frustrated with people. Still having a hard time shaking that and I know it is in part because I am ready for a break. I do have a break from work coming up in a few days and I am so looking forward to that. I am hopeful that by having that time to sleep in and stay in my sweatpants all day it will be like a reset button for my mind and mood. And I am in need of that.

And I am sure I am not the only one who is looking forward to time with family and a bit of a break. (Though I am also sure some of your will be very busy over the next few days for the holidays.)

And well I guess that's all I got. I mean I have been trying to think of things to post for days. And even looked at a mostly blank blog post for something like 20 minutes. But since I still got a whole lot of nothing I guess that's it from me today.

Hope you all enjoy this season as we celebrate the birth of a baby king who would save us all.


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