Always an Adventure


So this week has been a bit rough.

As some of you may have seen I have been sick with what may be a cold again. So here's what's going on. I had been taking vitamin C to help me recover from the cold I had. I decided to stop taking it because I was getting a bit of diarrhea and that is never fun. A few days after I stopped taking it I started feeling sick again. This time my only symptom has been a sore throat. Still no fun when you don't have much of a voice. And so I thought "Ok, I'll do vitamin C again." I started to feel a bit better again but not before having one of those days where you are grouchy sick. You know, not quite as sick anymore but still not feeling great and just wanting to punch everyone in the face. I'm not afraid to say it grouchy sick days are a thing for me more often than I would like. On this day I did go into work for a little bit and a lady I sort of work with (she is IT and I am library but IT is in the library a lot and her office it right around the corner from my desk) asked if I was feeling better. When I said no she said "then why are you here?" in that motherly kind of way that says "take care of yourself." Then it was the following morning when I got diarrhea again. This time in the morning before going to work and it was a get to the bathroom now because you needed to be there at least a minute ago. Though I did make it on time a few years ago before I was on dialysis I had a few months in a row where it was constant accidents because of how sick I was and I never want to do that again. So I decided off vitamin C again. And now within the past 24 hours I have been feeling sicker again with a sore throat. Though it may sound weird I have decided that my very weak immune system must need to fight this off on it's own for me to be done with it. The next few days might be rough but if it is what it makes to get over this virus so be it.

So that's been fun.

Even more fun is that when I was leaving work one night this week I was getting ready to leave the parking lot and a light came on on my car dashboard. I had no idea what the light meant at the time but after thinking something might have happened to my front passenger tire during the day I thought that might be the problem. Since I was already on my way out I prayed "Jesus let me get home so I can figure out was is up." When I got home I checked what the warning light meant - low tire pressure. Then I got out and sure enough my front passenger side tire had no air in it at all. So then the prayer was "Jesus just let me get to the gas station." I drove very slow and didn't care if I upset other drives but I got there. And then because the gas station air pump is a bit different from the one I was taught how to pump air with I was at a bit of a low on what to do. I ended up contacting a friend from work (one of my work moms) and she sent her husband over since he was only a few blocks away. Also my phone had maybe 30% battery so that fact that I made that many texts was Jesus. Anyway after hearing that help was on the way I did figure out the trick to the pump and get air in my tire. The only problem was I could hear air shooting right back out of it. My tire was completely flat again by the time my friend's husband got there. (He is also my friend and him pulling up was a very welcome sight.) So he and I worked to put the spare on. He did most of the work really. Another one of the very nice things about this mishap was that while he was loosening the tire I here someone behind me say my name in sort of a quiet voice and then ask if I was ok. I turned to see the athletic director of the school I work for standing there looking concerned. He and my friend know each other from coaching so they razed each other a little and then the AD left to catch a local game. Anyway tire got changed and the next morning I went into a local place to see if I could get the tire repaired and ending up having to get a whole new tire.

I have to say when I was retelling this story at work in a bit more detail to my work mom whose husband came to help me she and her boss told me I was smart and thought through things very logically. I love hearing that. I really do try to keep a level head and think about things instead of just reacting in the emotions that I am feeling. You could say that comes from a lifetime of being sick. I grew up often telling myself that crying will not solve anything. Though that is true I now also have to tell myself after the fact that it is ok to cry because our bodies do need that release after being stressed out - definitely still working on that.

Anyway even though that was no fun it has been nice to be reminded that this is the type of place I wanted to live after moving back from AZ. A place that is big enough to have some of the conveniences of a city but yet still small enough to have a small town feel. Having people around who are willing to help me when I need it shows me that. Even though I do get frustrated with my job at times I love that the people I work with are genuinely caring for one another whether it be with physical ailments or with vehicle help.

And that reminds me again of why God brought me here and how he always knows better than I do what I really need.


  1. I have no idea if this is something you can take, Abby, but I've found this thing called Lypospheric Vitamin C that is a weird little packet of vitamin C goo, but it doesn't cause diarrhea. I get it on amazon. Not cheap, sadly.


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