I can't help

But look back at the year...I don't know if most people do that or look forward to the year to come more around this time of year...for me though I enjoy looking over the past year and thinking about all the good times the things I want to do again...growth I see in my life and the lives of those around me...and things that I did that may have not been the best that I need to realize I do so that I don't do them anymore...

Looking back over the year brought the verses from Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 to mind for me..."There's a time for everything" verses...a time to weep a time to mourn and so on...it felt like this year had a time for every single one of those things listed and there is a lot listed there which means this year was a pretty crazy roller coaster ride of a year...and I don't like roller coasters...

A lot of you read the ups and downs of my year in my notes on facebook and in my blog when I finally started it...even just thinking about all the things that happened makes me want to cry and also is kind of crazy to think of all the things that can be crammed into a year...no wonder even though I don't really ever do anything I still find myself feeling like I need to catch my breath...

As I was reading Ecclesiastes 3 thinking about writing this blog the verses I thought I really wanted to talk about...which is the verses mentioned above...paled in comparison to the verses following in 11- 14

"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of God. I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that people will fear him."

I read this tonight and couldn't help but think how true...maybe it's not my time to be made beautiful...and I am ok with that...and I do want to be happy and do good while I am live because even though life can be rough each day is still a gift from my creator and that is a blessing...I believe he didn't make a mistake with me or anyone else so I need to start living like that again and enjoying this life he has given me...and I know I for one am majorly comforted by that last part that God's will endures forever and nothing can change that...once again I find myself glad that he is in control and running things and that I am not...I am such a fickle creature and I am glad that God is not...though I cannot understand God's plans or know where they are going I do believe that he has good things in store for me and wants to see our story played out in beautiful ways with an incredible ending...and even though I like to be able to predict stories...this is one story that I am more than happy to not be able to predict and to leave in the hands of the author because he really does know how to create the most beautiful happy endings I have ever heard of...far better than I could ever imagine...


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