I had some ideas of what to write about

But then I forgot to write them down...so I guess I will be writing about something else...

I do want to post a few pictures...

I get to see one of my brothers in this picture this week because I have classes on campus at U of I...I am not looking forward to the classes but I am looking forward to seeing him...I get to see Garrett...the one on my right...and yes Lance is wearing a shirt with kitties on it...the story behind this picture is that we were all outside getting ready to go in for the banquet and the guys escort the girls...Lance was escorting someone inside and he said he would come back out and get me because he wanted to escort me...so I was the last one out there waiting...and then he and Garrett came out of the dining hall at the same time and then raced to me...all the while Lance was yelling at Garrett and I was cracking up...they fake fought and then they both escorted me and Lance pretended to be mad...and I felt loved...also this was the only like three weeks after transplant...

I also get to see my best friend this coming weekend because she lives close to U of I and I am going to see her on the days I don't have classes...I'm pretty stoked about that because I miss her...

This picture was taken by my dad and this happened during this week...I got to drive Papa Kerr's old school Buick in the high school homecoming parade...

Though the parade wasn't about me I did feel pretty cool...but I've always been a bit of a car lover...I've never been the girl that wanted to show up as the best dressed...I'd rather show up in the coolest car...maybe that's the rock 'n' roll side of me coming out...

Quickly health wise I have been doing really good...feeling great...still not really sleeping but I think my body is telling me I don't need as much sleep anymore...I still haven't been falling asleep until after midnight...usually like one or two in the morning...only to wake up naturally around 7- 7:30 in the morning...I haven't been able to go back to sleep or needed naps though so that makes me feel pretty good...

Ok so I watch the show BONES...I'm a huge fan and they had a episode on the new season so far where in the beginning of an episode one of their characters was a victim of racial profiling...can I just say the fact that this goes on drives me nuts...I was thinking about Dr. Suess' quote "A persons a person no matter how small." I think I would add to that...because a person is a person no matter how small, what their race is, their religion, their gender, their sexual orientation, their political affiliation, their job, their social status or income...I could continue but I think you get what I am saying...here's the deal...when I talk to or about my friends of other religions the first thing I bring up is not their religion...it's their personality...what I see of their heart...how nice they are...how funny they are...those to me are the things that matter when I am choosing my friends...and when I hear people describing my friends in ways that often don't even cross my mind...it annoys me...I think because when I hear people reduce other people to a label that only makes up a small part of them it limits both sides...and limiting people I think makes us forget that we are all craving to be loved...like F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote, "And in the end, we were all just humans...Drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness."

So really I am urging you to love on others...don't let how people are different from you rule your life...let love rule your life...


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