Living and Robin Williams

So as I am sure you've heard Robin Williams died this week. I felt I had to post a quick something because my brother, sister, and I watched Mrs. Doubtfire a million times when we were growing up. So I thought I would post this cause it made me laugh and cry like Robin did.

If you don't understand what Jimmy does at the end I highly recommend watching the movie Dead Poets Society. It is one of my favorite movies. It is a movie that constantly reminds me how much I love the English language and the written word. The first time I watched it was during my year of remembering that I actually enjoyed writing. This movie along with a certain teacher played a big role in me writing again. It does have some parts that are not suitable for children and it is one of around five movies that make me cry. So it is sad - which is a forewarning that I forgot to give to my brother Gar when we were watching the movie during our Robin Williams marathon. Anyway this little snippet here is my way of saying -

"Oh Captain my Captain!"

I often have moments were I think "How am I alive?" And I know the answer to that is Jesus. But sometimes instead of that being a celebration it brings with it an overwhelming feeling. More than a bit of stress and a sort of overwhelming desperate depressing feeling comes over me. Instead of feeling great about life I feel like why would I ever get out of bed.

And that can lead to the other stresses of life feeling like unmovable walls. And the sadness weighs on me.

And I don't say this for you to worry about me. Because I am one of the lucky few who can work through the sadness and the darkness with just Jesus. But not everyone can.

And so like many before me I want to say that it is ok to seek help. It's ok to be open about how you are feeling. Actually it's more than ok. It's what is best for you.

And I get that it's hard. I've been there. Life can be hard and depressing.  Life has a way of knocking us down no matter how strong we are.

But I urge you to never be afraid or ashamed to be honest and open and ask for help. There are people around you who want to help you out. People who want to support you as you walk through the shadows. People like me who have been there and can tell you there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

"Courage, dear heart." - C.S. Lewis


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