
It been a bit of a quiet week. Not much going on at my place.

One of the things I have been doing is finally working on my t-shirt quilt that I started in maybe high school - which is when I first cut up the shirts for it. I already have a lot done and I am telling myself that I want to have it done by BOND. I am looking forward to the hand sewing because I do enjoy that even though it will take some time. But I feel like if I post something on here then I will be more likely to get it done cause I want to be able to celebrate finishing that on here.

As you know I have been searching for a job and I think others may be more anxious about it than me. See I only start to worry about a job when I am around other people who are asking me a ton of things.

Otherwise I am looking during the week and not seeing anything I want. Mainly because I don't want to be in Chicago and I need a full time job with benefits. Also because I get that I just finished school and most people don't get a job two weeks after classes end. And it's nice for once to feel like I am not the one who is being impatient since usually that is me.

But it is a choice I have to make everyday. Because I still have the tendency to get impatient.

That is a fruit of the spirit that I am constantly working on.

Instead of getting impatient or worried I am doing my best to remember that God wants me to expect him to do big things, to  blow my mind, and to keep his promises to me. And so everyday I am choosing to believe that. And when I get around those who are impatient for me I have to remind myself to rest in that belief.

See I know what I want and what I have been praying about specifically. It may not be what others are praying for me, but I trust that God knows my heart. I trust that he knows my fears and anxieties and knows how to best meet me so that those are not an issue. For example he knows how anxious I get when I think about finding a new doctor - Dr. Sader handles my sassyness and shyness like a pro - so I trust that God will lead me to a job where I get to keep him as my doctor.

And as I have learned many times in my life - that most likely means that I will need to wait on him and his timing because he has it all figured out.


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