Tough-ish Week

I feel like I don't really have a lot to share this week.

My big news this week is that my hemoglobin is down and we don't really know why. So that's frustrating as per usual. But the good news is that I get to go back to OSF St. Mary's sooner than I thought and take a picture of the crucifix there that I think is funny. 

Since I was nervous about training with tech help I should give an update on that. We ended up not having a lot happen at night so I didn't get much training. But I did get a cheat sheet of what to do if different problems come up. So I am not really nervous about that anymore. As per usual I worried for nothing.

I mostly feel like I am settling into my job a bit. The other day when I was stressing about getting everything on my desk done I took my break and saw that everyone else has tons of stuff on their desks to do that they don't stress about. It was a good reminder to calm down. Plus I have a ton of time at night to get stuff done since there are only a few students there at night.

Also I love working the later hours. Not having to go into work until 11:00 works great with my insomnia. Mostly this week I just have been getting used to a new schedule and chilling since my hemoglobin came back as low.

I had another weekend of being back in Dixon for less than 24 hours for Daniel and Caitlyn's going away party and I am so glad I decided to head to town for that. As always I loved spending time with them. It was a great reminder of how great my friends are. And now I will have another reason to visit California someday.

I guess I do have a bit more news than that. I got a haircut this week here that I don't like. So that is a bummer since I am super picky about my hair. But as someone said to me this week "when you have short hair you have to be picky." I have been spoiled with a great haircut for years from Heather. So finding a new place to get my haircut will be interesting - I already stuck out once.

Also I didn't go to church today. I was kind of upset about somethings the pastor at the church I had been trying said last week. I already wasn't really feeling that church but I was still trying to give it a chance. But that was sort of like more than three strikes and you are out. So this week I didn't have any idea of where to try. It is very intimidating to go to a new church alone. Definitely be praying for me about that. I am thinking about asking someone I work with where they go so that I can maybe go with them but I am nervous about that too.

So this week if you think about it pray for me about all of that and about my hemoglobin. I could use strength and courage to get through the days here. Homesickness has set in a little BUT I do love my job so that makes up for it.

Hope you all have had a better week than me and that we all have a better one to come.


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