Internet Working - for now

Sorry I haven’t posted yet. My internet was working but then it stopped working. I could go into all of that but I’m sure that’s not what you want to hear. 

Before anything else I will say that my doctor’s appointment went well. My doctor walked into the room and the first thing he said was, “Tell me you got the job.” Then he told me about talking to the lady from Carl Sandburg. In health news my creatinine (blood count number that measures how well your kidney is working) was up at the beginning of the month but is back down now. Neither of us have any clue why it spiked. All my other blood work was great and I haven’t felt tired or sick. So that’s weird but nothing I am going to stress over. 

I have heard from Dr. Sader and my other references that they tried really hard to get me the job and here I am. I also heard that they told some of my references that they were really interested in me. 

The move went pretty smoothly. Some of my friends came over to help fill the trailer dad rented and that went pretty quick. While they moved stuff I tried to clean my apartment. I feel bad that I couldn’t give Gary more notice about the move but it happens. Hopefully he will get the apartment rented out quick.

Friday night I stayed the night at mom and dad’s since we moved everything out of the apartment. Then on Saturday we got to my new place and moved everything in. I tried not to freak out or get overwhelmed but I still did. This move have been a little stressful for me because I am a planner. I like to have things figured out in advance. I know that plans change but I like to at least have some sort of plan. Not being able to do that stressed me out. I don’t know why I get so on edge when all my stuff is being moved around but I do. Thankfully I have a great momma who can calm me down when I feel like I am losing my mind. Dad and Kenny were a lot of help too. I didn’t really know how the day would go but I am glad they stayed as long as they did. They helped me unpack a lot and Kenny even tried to keep my dvds in alphabetical order. I still have some things to unpack and things to hang on the walls but I am in no rush.

Sunday I didn’t have a lot to unpack and figure out which meant I could take my time which I liked. I did try out a church that I am not really sure about but it was a guest speaker so I am going to try it out again.

Yesterday was my first day of work. I am glad I will only have to get up early for work for 2 weeks and then my normal schedule of working from 11 to 8 will start. When you have insomnia getting up early is hard. I already like the ladies I work with. I have been training learning where things are in the library and starting to look at the system. I also have to read all this different stuff for the college – things about the insurance and laws we have to follow and more. That part of training is a little rough because it puts me to sleep while I am reading it. Other than that I enjoyed my first day. Everyone is so friendly and nice. Quite a few of the people have asked me what I like to do so they can recommend places for me to go or to eat and other things. That has been really cool. Also really cool was that soon after we started the tour of the library I started to feel light headed and dizzy and a bit like I was going to pass out – that part wasn’t cool. What was cool was that I said something and my supervisor was totally ok with us sitting down to do part of the tour. I even got light headed again and she had no problem with it. She was very understanding and that was nice since I am not sure why that happened. Although I am sure that the stress of the move and starting a new job got to me. 

And my second day was even better. My supervisor thinks that I am catching on to the hard part quick so that feels nice. Along with that everyone keeps telling me how great it is to work at Carl Sandburg and they are all want to help me fit into the school and the town. 

Other than that it feels good to be here. It feels good to be surrounded by a lot of friendly faces. And it feels good that the school wanted me and hired me. It always feels good to be wanted and valued. 

May you feel important, valued, and wanted this week.


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