Well I'm not dead

I know that might sound a little extreme and crazy and whatever but when you wake up in the middle of the night pooping blood after having already barfed up all the contents of your stomach and more it's easy to quickly think of extremes.

So for those of you who are out of the loop...
On Christmas after the merriment of the presents and food and everyone being around I started to not feel good while puzzling with the fam. It started with throwing up which then went to throwing up and diarrhea. The throwing up eventually turned into dry heaving and I thought the diarrhea had slowed down but then close to mid-night I woke up having to run to the bathroom to find that my diarrhea had turned red. How awesome right. Anyway we went to the ER and though pooping blood is definitely a get to the hospital now scenario the doctor in the ER said it was probably an infection of some kind and they called for an ambulance to come to take me to OSF. An ambulance coming calmed us down a bit because if they thought it was something more serious they would have called in life flight. Oh and while at the ER my veins kept collapsing so they had a lot of trouble drawing blood which always makes things fun and complicated. At OSF they had me at first as NPO (meaning I couldn't eat of drink anything) because we were still waiting to find out what was going on with my body and didn't know what kinds of tests the doctors would want. They also put me on 3300(intermediate care) instead of 2400 (renal floor) so that I wouldn't infect any of the other immune system compromised people. They started me on antibiotics hoping something would start kicking in to help me get better. They got results on what I had (campylo-bacter) though we are unsure of where I got it. And then mostly I was just on IV antibiotics while they checked on me and I tried to get some sleep. Sunday night when I was no-longer contagious and doing better they sent me to 2400 and mom and I kept talking about how good it was to be back at our home at the hospital. Then Monday after all kinds of set backs (including a doctor who does not know my health history and had me take a med that made me sick for a bit again - so fun) we headed out and to the hotel in Peoria after being discharged.

We stayed in Peoria for the night because of the crazy storms. When we left the hospital Monday there were downed trees all over Peoria as ice and heavy wind was taking its toll. We had already planned to stop at the grocery store next door to the hotel to get movie and some food for the night. I'm glad mom brought my computer to the hospital since I also had an HDMI cord int he bag so that we could watch movies in the hotel. We didn't know until we got there that though they had power internet and cable were out. Also while we were checking in some people from Peoria were checking in because they didn't want to stay in their homes with no power in the storm. And then today we got home. We had to find a different route home since the road we normally take was blocked off - we think from flooding since we saw flooding in a lot of the places we past.

Since getting back to mom and dad's mom and I have been chilling and watching movies which will probably happen a lot this week. We are all pretty thankful this happened while I was here or I would have had to deal with a lot of other things while at my place. Trying to give doctors and nurses information at the hospital when you feel like you are going to black out is not easy. Also we are pretty glad that I still have the rest of the week off to rest up before heading back to work.

Other than that craziness Christmas was fun. Before all of this I had been missing my family so being able to spend time with them has been great.

I hope you all had a fantastic time on Christmas and were able to enjoy more of the day than I was.
And as always thank you thank you thank you for praying for me and my whole family. Being sick doesn't just effect me but weighs on those around me too. Thank you for taking on some of that weight when you can and caring for us.


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