Short Post

First on the health front. I can tell my body is still trying to get back to my normal because some days at work I have still felt sick and been worn out. But I have been taking it very easy this weekend so hopefully that will help. Also I have an appointment this week. I will have to take a half day off work but when you have a ton of health problems it is normal for the doctor to want to see you a week or two after you get out of the hospital to check on you. I am oddly looking forward to it probably because I really like my doctor and know that he cares about me.

Besides feeling a little sick I have been super moody. I thought that I would want to come back from break and get back into my routine with work and whatever but that has not been the case. Instead I feel like I am back at square one of wondering why I am here. Granted feeling sick does make me feel moody but I have also had some rough days at work. I don't know how all to describe it but to say that I have been feeling very overwhelmed again as if it were my first day at work. I am proud of the things I have gotten done but I have again been putting a lot of pressure on myself to do more or better. That has been making me feel sicker which makes me want to do nothing which then stresses me out because I feel like I am not getting anything done. It's a vicious cycle.

On the bright side my landlord has been like a different person since I got back. He has been super friendly and came to fix my garage door. He even came back to fix something else on the door that he noticed was wrong but I did not. That has been a great surprise since he was really the only thing I didn't like about this place. It feels good t feel like he is looking out for me and the house. And it feels good to not worry about any of that anymore.

I do want to say thank you for praying for me and my family so much through all of the ups and downs of life and please keep it up. I am still a work in progress and often beat myself up about that instead of excepting that that is a part of life.


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