
I have been waiting about half the week to write this next line. One of my anti-rejection med doses was lowered even more. Basically Alex is the best and is helping he survive on less meds and that is something I don't know if I would have ever imagined. I am pretty dang excited to have that med lowered because that means the side effects shouldn't be quite as bad. Which also means that my transplant could maybe last longer. All good things! Now transplant life still depends on a lot of other things but even a lower dose is something to celebrate.

In other new I got to see my parents today and I loved it. Gosh I miss being able to see them whenever I want. They came I think in part because mom knows I have been a bit down lately. So they came and we went to my church and then to lunch. Then they helped me pick out a new vacuum at Target. Also I had dad look at my garage door that has still been acting up for me and he had no problems with it. Unbelievable!

Ok this has been a whole long thing. First it wouldn't go down all the way. Then it would start to go down and pop right up. Each time it was fixed and then it would have problems again. Recently it was doing this thing where it would start to go down and then pop right back up. My land lord would come and fix it and yet it still wouldn't work for me. So today when my dad got it working no problem I couldn't believe it. If it doesn't work tomorrow morning I am going to be so annoyed because this is ridiculous.

Anyway it was great to have my parents here for a little bit even if mom's back has been acting up. I am so thankful they came today to see what my church is like even if they didn't get to hear my pastor they did get to hear the worship leader I like the best there - we have a few different ones. And they both talked a lot about how I have made my little place a home and how much it looks like me. It was just great as always to see them.

Other than that it has been a bit of a rough week. A lot of ups and downs. A lot of moments of feeling overwhelmed. A lot of times of being frustrated with work and life and people.

Here's the thing. I love being a librarian. I love the project I am spending a lot of time working on at work right now. But I am still getting used to a new job and a new place and that gets very overwhelming at times. And as someone who still has a hard time letting myself be emotional and cry - even after repeatedly telling myself it's ok to be emotional - I often bottle it up until I feel like the whole world is caving in. Not fun. Dealing with that this week - also not fun.

But I have a mom who even when she is not feeling the best will come see me just to hug me. And I have a dad who will do whatever he can including looking at a not broken garage door just because I need a little help.

I have to say that having parents that great makes life feel a little less crazy and overwhelming.

I hope you have people like that in your life that can lift you up and brighten your day no matter what life throws at you.


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