Short Post

Because of this -

I made mom this -

If you didn't follow the link and read the post you really should. It is an old post that I have reread multiple times and I am sure my mom has too. Because shame is powerful and listening to the right voices can be hard too do.

I have not been doing the best at that. It can be easy for me to see myself through the lies of the enemy. To hear his words of hate and think they are true about me.

Big ones for me lately are that I am not enough and that I don't have a place where I belong. Those have been made worse by having a hard time finding a church and continuing to go to one where I feel unwelcome. These lies are also why I have been overly focused on what I can accomplish at work because if I can work hard and do a good job then I have worth and have a place.

Its not that working hard and feeling like I belong at work are a bad thing I just have exceedingly been making them the most important thing.

And I am having to remind myself often that I need to listen to the right voice. The voice that asks me "Who told you that you are naked? That you are not enough? That you don't belong?" Because his is the same voice that says "You are enough and you belong with me."

May you hear his voice calling out to you this week reminding you of your value and your place.


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