Good Things

"I yelled in the wind, it came rolling back to sweep me off my feet. I cried to rain, it came pouring down to drown my disbelief." - Relient K from the song God

First my appointment with my kidney doctor this week went good. We always end up laughing about so many things unrelated to my health and I love that. Recently when I met a new doctor I wasn't nervous or as shy as I would have been a few years ago. I felt like I could actually ask questions and get answers instead of fearing being blown off. I credit doctor Sader for that because for the longest time I was scared to ask him things because I had had a string of doctors who it seemed like didn't know how to help me or want to help me or what. I had doctors that made me feel like I wasn't heard so I just stopped talking. Dr. Sader reminded me that I am heard and I should be heard. So I feel like I have that confidence before doctors again because of him. And with all the doctors I have to see that feels really good.

Second my scope went really well. My G.I. doctor only found a very small polyp in my stomach that did not need to be removed. Where I normally get polyps he only found scar tissue. Guys that feels amazingly good. He told me before the scope that if he didn't see anything that needed to be removed then I probably won't have to keep going back every year since my hemoglobin has been great (in the 12s! What!?!). So hearing that there was nothing in there made me feel great. Yes I still get some stomach irritations but now I know it isn't polyps and most likely is just me over indulging in something. Also it could just be the scar tissue getting irritated cause what scar tissue doesn't. That has me still a bit on a high right now. My G.I. was saying before the surgery that he wants me to be able to enjoy life and not have to see doctors all the time. I think doctors think that about their patients a lot, especially when their patients are young like I am, but it was good to hear that and to feel cared about in that way.

In other news I have my car back which is great.

And my supervisor wrote up a little card for me on my work-aversary about how much she appreciates me.

Really I have been having an all around great week. I have been remembering again to look at and for the good and to focus on that instead of letting the negative drag me down.

Part if that reminder came from Relient K's new album Air for Free. Listening to their album has been liking catching up with an old friend or rediscovering a part of my heart that had been forced to take a back seat.

In particular the lines at the beginning of my blog.

How many times have I cried out to God and he has blown me away with his goodness?
Or missed how he has been trying to drown my disbeliefs as I shout out in my frustrations?

And yet he will not go unheard or unnoticed.
Keep searching.
Keep knocking.
Keep believing. 
He is there.


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