So here's a little something I said at our staff meeting at BOND Saturday -

"So I wrote this down because I'm a... (momma - 'word nerd') yeah. My work situation will be changing soon but more important than that my heart and mind have changed. But probably not in the way you were all hoping. I really am in a much better place and feeling more me than I have in years but I am at a place of peace where I feel like it's time for me to move on from this ministry. And I want to say thank you to all of you not only for making me feel loved but for making me feel important and useful. You have made me feel like my work here mattered - thank you. The fact that you all have been there for me and my family through some shit stuff of life makes saying goodbye to this ministry hard - but I still believe it is right for me. Thank for making my 15 or 16 years of ministry here great. I say 15 or 16 because I started as a dish girl when I was in junior high and did that for three years. Then while I was a senior camper I worked at junior and intermediate (camp) doing whatever I could and even helped start a camp band here at senior camp my sophomore year.  And then my senior year BOND - like just graduated high school one semester into college - mom, Ken, and Rich said 'we need another girl counselor - you're ready." Freaked me out but I started counseling then. I say that in part because mom told me too but also because this place and the work we do here changes live and impacts the kingdom. I encourage you to continue the good work."

And now I would add that I still hold out hope for those that came, heard, and haven't acted on what they heard. I will always hold out hope for them and for those who were with us who know the truth but have been deceived by the father of lies. I have that hope because our God is greater, stronger, higher than any other, and his love knows no bounds.

I don't know what is next for me but I know that God calls me to live outside of myself and my comfort zone. Someday I may return to that ministry but for now I will rejoice in the work he has done, is doing, and will do there with and within the people there who had helped shoulder the burdens life has thrown my way. They are going to continue to do great things and I can't wait to hear about them.

Be praying for me as I seek God and what he has for me next.

Life is short - I wanna live it well.


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