I finally gave in

for a couple months now I have been debating with myself about starting an actual blog...I already write once a week on facebook on sundays so writing a blog would really be nothing new...yet for some reason starting a blog has sort of scared me and made me nervous...

maybe it's the fact that more than just my facebook friends can read what I write and I can be very blunt...maybe it's the fact that I take writing even a blog kind of seriously because I want to write for the rest of my life...

whatever the case maybe or was I finally gave in knowing the only thing that was holding me back was myself...others were telling me to start a blog...people would tell me how they loved reading my notes encouraging me to continue to write...so I'm giving in...

it also helps that people want to know what's going on with my health and not all of them have facbook and this is an easy way to tell them what's going on...plus when I moved back to Illinios from Arizona my friends and teachers kept telling me to keep in touch...and I thought what an easy way to keep people in the loop without having to call text or email a million people...just write it all here...done and done...

so here's my first post...it's nothing much ovbiuosly...but more will come later and I will most likely post when I normally do which is Sunday afternoon/night...with extra posts if I have to go to a doctor's appointment or the hospital since people like to know about that stuff too...though I still don't quite get why because it usually isn't that fun to hear about...but whatever...

I'm still a little nervous about this but let the blogging begin...wish me luck


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