Adventures at OSF Peoria

As most of you know I had a biopsy scheduled for Monday at one in Peoria at OSF...well first it was scheduled for Thursday at 4 then it got moved to Monday at one...we had to be at the hospital at 11 to check in and do blood work so we left Dixon at like 8:30...when we left the house we were joking that we were taking a risk because we hadn't grabbed any extra clothes in case we had to stay...we have learned to do that just in case because you never know what can happen when you go to the doctors office when you have had a the past often we have taken things in case we have to spend the night we haven't ended up needing it but then when we don't take extra clothing that tends to be when we need it...but we still left the house without any just in case things but neither of us were worried we figured that with how many times the doctors and nurses had told us we wouldn't have to stay the night we really wouldn't have to...

The ride there was uneventful and we got there early...we were almost done checking in when the phone in the admitting office we were in rang...the lady checking us in answered and it ended up being for was the nurse I had talked to before about my biopsy...she apologized like a million times (which people at this hospital have done a lot which is new for doctor has even apologized for things that he can't control like how jacked up my body is)...then the nurse on the phone said that the doctor doing my biopsy was doing a transplant that morning and they got started later than planned because the patients potassium was way off so they had to get that under control before they could start...that ment that my biopsy was now pushed back to 3...that was no big deal to us because we are used to waiting...then we went and got my blood drawn...and my vein almost blew during that but luckily it didn't...then we spent some time walking around the hospital a little bit to see where stuff was the cafeteria...the hospital is made up of quite a few buildings and spreads over like 17 arces or something (we learned that from a guy at an information desk)...anyways we were walking around and let me tell you Jesus is everywhere...and I don't mean in the Bibilical sense I mean like his statue or him on the cross is everywhere at this hopsital...including this really creepy one...the way he was hanging on the cross didn't really look like it should have been possible to hang like that and you couldn't see his was so creeppy I didn't want to walk by it...we didn't kill that much time walking around probably because we didn't get lost...I am good at finding my way around hospitals...

At 1 we went up to the thrid floor where they told us to go so we could go to pre op and get ready for the surgery...I was nervous that it would take them forever to get my IV in because it took 5 tries last time I was in the hospital...but the murse (male nurse) Mark got my IV in right away no problem at all so that was awesome...then Dr. Ketel (who looks like Miss Jane Heck) came in to talk to me...she was doing the biopsy and she said that my hemoglobin was 6.9 so they wanted to wait and give me some blood tonight then do the biopsy on Tuesday...she was worried about how bad it would be if I bled out with my hemoglobin so low...she asked me if that was ok and I said I siad it was as long as I could eat tonight which made her laugh that my mind was on they admitted me to a room...Dr. Sader came up and he said that he was admitting me because he knew we lived far away and didn't want us to have to drive back and I said we didn't have anything extra but luckily we have friends that have family in Peoria that work at the hospital so our friend Janet's sister Diane brought us a ton of stuff...some clothing to sleep in for mom lots of food stuff for the bathroom and more...then they got my blood transfusion started...I got some food and they told me I could eat breakfast in the morning because my biopsy wouldn't be till transfusion got over at midnight so the nurses were in a lot for that so Ididn't get much sleep...

In the morning we just waited and waited but at least we had our own private room so we weren't just waiting in some random waiting room which was nice...though it is hard to wait when you can't eat...makes it feel like the time is crawling...we didn't have a scheduled time for the biopsy it was just whenever they could fit me in...Lance Morning came to visit for a little bit since he lives close so that was nice...he left and mom talked to dad about bringing a few things for us so he was on his way to the hospital when the nurse finally came in after 5 to tell us they were coming to get two seconds later transport was there...we didn't have to wait too long in pre op either...I wasn't really nervous I was just happy to finally be getting my biopsy done...we also knew that we were staying the night again because you have to stay on flat bed rest for 4 to 5 hour afterwards...but I was just happy that it was finally getting done and that I would be able to eat afterwards...they didn't really put me under but they put me on an anesthesia and it made me forget what happened so it was like I was seemed to go fast mom says it took maybe half an hour...then I went to post op where I was suposed to stay for an hour but didn't stay quite that long since I recovered pretty fast...and they ordered me some food there since they do their food like room service but it's only open for calling till 7 and I got out of surgery a few minutes before 7...I got back to the room and saw dad for a second before he had to turn around to go home so he could get some sleep before getting up for work at 2 in the morning...I didn't have much pain till later...Dr. Ketel came in for a few minutes to talk to us about the procedure...again I didn't get much sleep but I really liked my nurses...they came in to draw my blood a few times...everytime the drew it they used the same vein which sort of made me laugh...the nurse that drew my blood 4 hours after my biopsy was funny...she was checking my hospital band for my name and date to double check and said "hey we have the same birthday just different years!"...that was Doctor Dr. Sader joked Tuesday morning that torture was still used in the United States because when you go to the hospital they don't let you sleep they stick needles in you they poke and prod you and they do a million tests on you...we thought that was funny that he compared being in the hospital to can see why we like him so much...

This morning (Wednesday) we weren't sure when we were leaving but we were hoping early...when the nurse came in to bring me my meds I asked if she had talked to the doctor and if she knew when I was leaving...she said Dr. Ketel had said to talk to Dr. Sader so that ment she was fine with us leaving...and the nurse said she had paged Dr. Sader and was waiting for him to call back or come in...about 5 or 10 minutes later I was laying in bed and got excited because I heard Dr. Sader's voice...he came in made a little small talk and put in the orders to send me home and get me a script for pain hugged him and then he stepped out the door and yelled for my nurse to get stuff ready to send me home...getting everything ready for that didn't take long...and we left soon after...let me say it felt really good to have the IV out of my felt good to have all that tape off as well since tape sticks to my skin big time irritating it and took about two hours to get home and the ride wasn't too bad with my kidney feeling like a jello jiggler...

We find out the results on Thursday and hopefully we actually get some answers this time...I don't want to have to deal with all this pain and the headache of all of this without my biopsy actually showing something giving us some answers....if the biopsy could come back showing some sort of problem so that my bad blood makes sense that would be great...I'm tired of my kidney looking fine in test because it shouldn't with my blood levels being so bad...I want to understand waht is going on with my body so we can fix it but that might not happen since mhy body is jacked up and we never seem to know what's going on wihth it..

Thanks for all your prayers and lovin...


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