Business first

The benefit thing for our family is this Saturday at our church...Bethel Church Dixon IL...well behind it really in the big yellow building that used to be a school but is now known as the ministry center...I think they are starting the supper at 5 and the silent auction some time after that but I am not really sure since I am not in charge...I am just showing up to eat and talk to people...which frankly I am a little nervous about because I am not always that great at being social...but you should come join sister-in-law is planning on making quite a bit of food so I am sure we will have enough...I have also heard that this may turn into a bit of a Frye family reunion there are quite a few in that group that I am sure I won't know even though I am related to them...but if you want to see what the majority of the Frye family is like then show up...I'm sure it will be a good time...

Also I am loving working in the library...I have volunteered for three days for about a total of eight and a half hours so that feels pretty good...tomorrow I will be at Washington Elementary school...which should be interesting because I am not so good with little kids...but Mindy the librarian is going to start letting kids check out books and put it in the computer so I will be there to help her with in the library all of the librarians....who are mostly aids and volunteers met to learn the new computer system together...I think I understand a lot of the program so that's not really a problem for me...but it is a good thing I am around because when LeeAnn opens the library on Tuesday next week hopefully I can help her and if nothing else make her feel at ease that I am was kind of funny to me too after the training the librarian from Reagan Middle school sort of tried to bribe me to get me to come help her by telling me she had food...I thought that was funny...and it made me feel like I am being a help not just standing around in the way...

Basically my days are so fun right now which might sound weird because people seem to think the library is boring but I feel like I am learning new stuff all the time...and contrary to popular belief none of these librarians are mean...not sure where people get that idea but I have always found librarians to be nice and helpful...and that is the kind of librarian I want to be...this is all making me excited for classes even though I am still a bit nervous to apply...

Another thing making me nervous is that one of my former teachers Mr. Padilla thinks I should teach one of his AP classes...I do not want to be a teacher...and I do not think I would be so great at teaching but he is pretty adamant about it...I trusted him when we said I was a good writer even if I didn't fully believe him right away...but I don't know that I trust him when he says me teaching a class will be great...sorry Padilla even telling me I can teach about whatever I want has not yet put my mind at ease...

Maybe I should teach on one of the books I am reading now...but I don't know if that would be a stellar idea because I have been reading a lot of biographies...some of them are really cool...and some of them take a lot of time to read because there is so much information to take in...I think I have been reading them though because I am secretly hoping that something will rub off on me so that I get an idea for a book about my own life...I mean I have beginnings...note the s as in multiple...but its like I am hoping that by reading other people's book I will know what I want to say in mine...some people have said I should just use my blog and make that into a book but I don't know how I feel about that...though some people are worried that I won't be as honest in a book as I am in my blog...but since you all have gotten used to me being honest I don't see how I couldn't be...that is if I ever actually figure what to write...

It's sort of weird though to feel like my days are full...I feel like I have been doing nothing for so long (ok so maybe taking classes and doing homework in the ICU isn't nothing but it feels like nothing)...that doing stuff now is strange...I almost feel like I have a life again...even if I still get worn out super easy and still get sick at the drop of a feels nice to not sit in my bed all day but to do something useful and fun...even if it does make me a little nervous about that future...growing up is hard to do and being an adult is weird...


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