Word Nerd

I have had friends over the years who have had a hard time believing that I am a nerd...evidently my odd love for Wonder Woman and comic books isn't enough to convince them...nor the way that I got As during most of my school career by not even trying at all...some friends though get it...and they say I hide it well...as if being a nerd is something a don't want people to find out about me when all along I thought I let my nerd flag fly because I am proud to be a nerd...and others have bestowed me with the phrase nerd swagger...making me sound cooler than a really am...

I have this belief that there are many kinds of nerds...the kind that play video games...the kind that read manga...the kind that are into theatre...the kind that read books...the kind that are super into math....and many other kinds...oftentimes a combination of any of these types...I happen to be the book kind and I refer to myself as a word nerd...because really my nerdiness spans more than just books...

I am the type of nerd that loves words...I love when I hear a new word...if I don't have a dictionary handy...which isn't often because I have one on my iPod...I guess the meaning...and find a trill in trying to figure out what it means by its placement in a sentence and by the other words around it...and by the meaning of the sentence in general...and then I look it up and love learning about all the meaning in that one word...I know nerdy right!...

This has lead me to have a lot of things around me based on words...not just books...though admittedly I can't leave a bookstore without finding at least one new gem...and have books everywhere...a small library is being accumulated in boxes in one of our rooms since we don't have room for it in the house...but I also have a collection of other things based on words...records and Cds...I love hearing a band or artist that has depth in their lyrics...lyrics really are the most important part to me when it comes to deciding on what music to listen to...also movies and TV shows...the comedic timing the placing of the right word...the tone that the actor or actress uses on the words...what words seem important to them...or even what they say by not saying anything at all...books are probably me favorite though...there is something about holding a book feeling the pages in your hand as you turn them...and the smell of a book that I love...I am also one of those book people who has also been able to convert others into book people...guess that means I really would make a great librarian...

My love of words has also lead me to write like crazy...I have over 25 journals piled up in a box in our basement and more sitting off to the side...the last time I counted how many I had was two years ago and that was before I went on a kick of going through about a journal a month...then I have stories built up on my computer...short ones...longs ones...fiction...non-fiction...poems...all of it...I can't seem to stop...then there are these posts on my blog...before that I was writing notes on Facebook...I probably had over a 100 of those...and theses posts on my blog can sometimes go on forever...

There is something for me about the feel of my hands flying across the keys...or putting a pencil to paper and creating whatever comes to my mind that is addicting in a way...

I guess I say all of this to say that I am so excited to be a librarian...I start volunteering at the Dixon High School Library tomorrow and I am stoked...all the other jobs I have thought about haven't quite seemed to fit...first it was business and accounting...but the thought of sitting at a desk all day looking at numbers made me dread my future...even though I was good at it...and then I thought about journalism or editing...but lets be honest I hate editing...I find it a bit tedious and I don't even like to edit my own work...I'd rather get wrapped up in the story...and as for journalism the thought of interviewing people scared me since I don't think I am very good at talking to people...especially not asking questions...and my writing is not that great when it comes to writing articles either...when I wrote for our high school newspaper all my articles ended up being light-hearted and funny with some sort of joke in them...and well even though I still want to be an author that's going a little slow and I question if anyone would actually read my book outside of my family...but then I think about being a librarian and being around books all the time...seriously I can't wait...I know to most people it probably doesn't sound fun...but we're all made different and I happen to be one of those people who was made to be a librarian...


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