Nothing is Wasted

Many of you know that yesterday I was having an off day...

Many of you may also know the song "Nothing is Wasted" by Jason Gray...if you don't here's a video of it...

I happen to be friends with Jason but even if I wasn't I would still listen to his music and rave about it because I find so much truth in it...

I think it's pretty obvious why I bring up my bad day and this song but that doesn't mean I'm not going to talk about it...

Sometimes I get rally frustrated with myself that I have off days or that I feel often like I can't just enjoy life...I can quickly get wrapped up in how sick I am....or many other things that bring my day and my mood down...

But I got thinking about this song...and how God uses even the messiest hardest things to shape us...if he can use our hot mess mistakes...I'm pretty sure that means he can use our average bad days to change...grow...and teach us as well...

You see I know that he holds me and all the tears I cry in his hands...the Bible tells me that...but I forget that the Bible is also full of people having bad days where God stepped in and taught them something valuable...I don't mean hot mess bad days like Job's where he lost everything and was on the brink of death...I mean like David when he became convicted of his wrong doing with Bathsheba...I bet his day turned into a bad day quick...but God taught him a lesson through that and it helped change who David was...or Gideon hiding out...things had been rough in Israel for a while...bad day after bad day...and yet on that average bad day Gideon became the leader of many...becoming the man that we read about in the Bible...story after story shows how bad days are used to shape people...

I still don't like having bad days...but more than that I don't like feeling like I am taking any part of life for granted...though I can't see it now...these bad days are preparing me for the day ahead...even if they are just preparing me to rejoice that much more when good days come...I'll take it...because in the hands of my redeemer nothing is wasted...


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