A Miss Matched Mix of Things

So first I want to say I love getting my haircut...may sound weird but I do...I think it's such a self esteem boost to have a fresh haircut...and as many of you know this is my haircut...

Recently I have been going even shorter on the sides...and the top is getting really blonde...my hair is going through so many weird changes because of transfusions and the transplant...but I feel powerful...noticeable...and strong with this haircut...and as many of you know I modeled it after this fantastic lady's do...

I find her inspiring...and I know sometimes I talk about her too much but really I love a strong woman who is not afraid to be herself and I want to celebrate that...and then I got really excited this week when I saw this...

That would be Tina Majorino and I have loved her since the first time I saw her in "Corrina Corrina" (which still happens to be one of my all time favorite movies) all those years ago...and I am not really surprised by this cut because she did star in a P!nk music video last year or something...and well she looks like a fresh babe with this cut...as does P!nk...and I think I look pretty great too...and every now and then I just like to acknowledge how good looking I am...

Another thought from the week was how I am slowly turning into my grandma because I make friends where ever I go...like Stella who worked at the lab check in desk at OSF (she is transfering to another desk so I won't see her every week anymore) or Paul at Einstien's Bagels in Peoria...and many others who I have become friends with just because I see them on a regular basis...and all though my grandma always finds some weird connection with the people she meets...like third cousins twice removed on her mothers side...I just like to be friendly with people...I find it makes my day brighter and hopefully theirs as well...so I guess it's really not that big of a deal that I am turning into my grandma...

Really I have been having a fun week...slow at times...and sometimes uncomfortable as my body doesn't always know what to do with all these meds...but still fun...I did however get nervous the other day because of this...

It's a letter from Gift of Hope saying they sent on my letter to my donor family...and you guys can tell me to be calm all you want...and tell me that it's a good thing that I wrote them...and even tell me I am a good writer so it will be fine...but I am still nervous about it...here's why...I really really really want them to like me...and usually I could care less what people think about me...most of the time I figure people don't know me so I don't care what they think...or they do know me and get that I am free spirit...so this whole wanting people to like me is a new thing...and gosh I want them to like me...I mean they gave me part of their family member...that's kind of a big deal...which also adds to the nerves...then on top of that I am horrible at waiting...so when I stop and think about it I get even worse...which means I try not to think about it...I really am just sharing this to remind you all to continue to pray for this family...

And one last note in this mix of things about my week is this...

It's hard to read so here's what it says - Isaiah 25:1
"O Lord, you are my God;
I will exalt you and praise your name,
for in Perfect faithfulness
you have done marvelous things,
things planned long ago."

Sometimes I am blown away by God...you know what I mean?...that he has a plan for me...and it's not a plan he just whipped together yesterday...but something he has been planning for years...possibly before I was even born...and that he is endlessly faithful...there is no other way for him to be...so the things he has planned for my life will happen...good and bad...they will happen...and even fulfilling the things that we see as bad makes him praiseworthy because he kept his word...and well every now and then I need that reminder that he will fulfill his promises...


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