It's that time of the week

When I post about my week...and well I don't really know what to report...after my post on Tuesday my week had been pretty uneventful...

I have been sleeping through the night and falling asleep easy...which hasn't happened in like five years...and I have been feeling really good that's nice...what a difference a few little changes in my meds makes...

I start online classes again tomorrow...not really looking forward to it since I didn't really like them last semester...but as I have said before I like the actual work so that makes up for the classes being boring...

Mainly this week besides working I have been reading and writing...and I finally got back into a better routine of having quiet that all has been great...

I don't know about you but sometime I forget how much I love doing the things I feel I am gifted writing...I have been writing what feels like non-stop this weekend...and I forgot how good it feels to create...

I do that with other things I have been crapping it up at having a regular quiet time...and when I started getting back into that time I thought what is wrong with me that I kept making excuses not to do this...I even tweeted about it saying "Sometimes I forget how much I love talking to Jesus...those times suck"...I forget how refreshed I feel after spending time with myself I feel (if that makes sense)...not saying I won't crap it up again...because I tend to be pretty good at making a mess of things...I think it comes with being human...but for now I am going to enjoy it...and I am so thankful that God doesn't shun me because I had forgetting about my time with him period...he just invites me right back into fellowship with him...he's pretty great like that...

It's a little weird blogging when I don't have a crap load of things to say about my health...I forget what I used to post about before sickness took over my blog not just my life...maybe I should get on figuring that out...

I'm going to say it again though...I love not having to do dialysis...not having the machine in my room...not having the smell of a dialysis center filling my feels great to feel good... 


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