Some things that made my week good.

First I want to post the references to Wednesday's post since I forgot to do that. Jesus' genealogy is in Matthew 1. Tamar's story is found in Genesis 38. We are introduced to Rahab in Joshua 2 and then she comes back in Joshua 6:25. Ruth has her own book in the Bible to tell her story. Mary's story is told the most in depth in Luke 1. I don't like that I forgot to post that on the last blog so I thought I would make sure it was on this one.

On to a few updates and other little things.

Work is picking up more and instead of feeling overwhelmed, which I am sure will come, I am currently feeling really comfortable. I know more about how to do my job than I thought I did. It makes me a little less nervous about what will happen when my coworkers get busy. So that feels pretty good.

I watched this video on Relevant magazine's website the other day of this band called the Red Hot Chili Pipers and I absolutely love them. I spent over half an hour the other day on youtube looking for more of their covers. I may or may not have a thing for bagpipes. Okay I do, I love them. This is a link to the first video I watched. So good. 

Also I tweeted the other day that I have the best mom and she kind of laughed because it was over a message that she sent me. In this message she said "God said dung-faced in the Bible which we know means shit-faced so people can't say God didn't swear." I loved that so much. Made my day. It feels really good to have an understanding, non-judgmental mom. It's no wonder why so many people love her.

This week I got some encouraging notes back about a few letters I sent out and that felt good. And it reminded me of one of the reasons why I am thankful for the internet and sites like Facebook. I love that when you are tagged in something you can go back and look at those tags. That post is saved and you get to go see those things again and be encouraged again. I need that since I am, as previously mentioned, forgetful.

One last thing that should be quick. I really am feeling good physically. I haven't ever felt this good that I can remember which for me has it's ups and downs. I am still getting used to feeling this good. It's an odd experience that I can't quite grasp yet. Along with that I have days were I experience a lot of stress even though I currently don't really have anything to be stressed about. I think I have mentioned before but I am pretty sure I have PTSD. It feels sort of mild but it is still there none the less. See I have these days where nothing is really going on but I feel this unexplainable overwhelming feeling. Yesterday was one of those days. I couldn't stop crying about the stupidest things and I felt so stressed. Looking back I can see how all through my getting sicker and sicker I kept pushing aside stress because I had other things to deal with aka staying alive. Which means now my body and mind are trying to process some of that stress and it is a rough process some days. But you should know, even with that I am feeling good. In a round about way it sort of feels good to be able to say that I am well enough to be able to deal with the stresses of the past. Even if it can be frustrating and annoying as well.


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