
Since health has been kind of a big thing to talk about recently here's an update - I have not been feeling the best this week though I am feeling better and better as the week draws to a close. But really there is no real health news of the week which in a way is good. I have been hiding out from the world a bit though. Don't be alarmed, I am not sick. I just don't have the energy for somethings some days.

There is also no news on the job front. I am still searching and applying and trying to prepare myself for a possible move. But I have been less anxious about that all this week which is always a good thing.

I have been thinking a lot the past couple weeks about the importance of names.

I believe that our names say a lot about us. For example my name means "Father's joy" (Father = Jesus) and Abigail one of King David's wives from 1 Samuel 25 is listed as a well known barer of my name. I am proud to bare a part of her name, I try to live up to the meaning of our name, and when I need a pick me up remembering my name can give me a boost. I think that because all those things are true that makes my name important to me. Similarly I love that my donor's name is Alex and his name means "to defend or help." He gave me and many others life and that is one of the best ways you can help someone.

Besides names being important and defining us in some way I believe that nicknames say a lot about a person as well. They can describe who we are, what we like, and our relationships to others. For example I have always loved the show "Scooby-Doo" and my mom sometimes calls me "scoob." My most common nickname is one that I received when my nephew was little and couldn't fully say my name. Being BB originally said who I am to him but it has become more than that. This is also the case with my grandpa who we call Bumpa and my grandma who we call GG. Although GG's is a little different because she picked her nickname. Along the same lines our titles say a lot about us such as brother, sister, momma, friend, counselor, caregiver, etc. A lot of people call my mom momma because she takes care of and mentors those around her so her "title" describes who she is and what she does. (I only put title in quotes because I don't know if that is quite what I mean but you get my point.)

Something I have been in the process of remembering is the names God gives me. There is a powerful weight that his words hold when it comes to who he sees me as. Jason Gray sings about this in his songs "In the loneliest places when I can't remember what grace is, tell me once again who I am to you." and "forgiven, beloved, hidden in Christ, made in the image of the giver of life, righteous, and holy, reborn, and remade, accepted, and worthy this is our new name." In the bible there are plenty of times when God's followers are named such as - co-heirs with Christ, daughters and sons, what is already listed above, and more.

Sometimes I feel as though I don't know how to take it in that the Lord of all would call me friend. But when I remember that my value is in him and who he calls me I remember what I am worth to him and the value he sees in me. That is often much needed encouragement when everyday life tries to drag me down.

"I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty." 2 Cor. 6:18

"Now if we are children, then we are heirs - heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his suffering in order that we may also share in his glory." Romans 6:17


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