Sick Day

I don't really have much to say this week. My grandparents are in town so I have been spending time with them. Along with that I am still job searching and trying not to doubt that I am a librarian.

Besides that I have been feeling sick today. I haven't thrown up yet which can be seen as a plus or a minus. Sometimes I think I might feel better if I did throw up. Mostly I am just feeling the side effects of all my medications. Sometimes because of different meds my body sort of feels restless like I've got electricity running through my veins. That's happening today along with some nausea. And I have been feeling so worn out. That's a pretty common feeling but add the other things and I end up with a day like today where getting out of bed feels like a huge chore so leaving my apartment is a no go.

Every now and then I have days like today. It tends to happen when you are on so many medication to keep your body from destroying itself.

I've gotten good at taking it slow and having a movie marathon day. I've even gotten good at pretending like there is nothing wrong and pushing through days like this. But days like today can be upsetting because part of me knows that not everyone has days where it feels like their bodies don't work at all.

Hope you are all having a better day than me and if not tomorrow should be better. 


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