Updates on last week

You know how last week I posted about work, my place, and my doctor's appointment? Here's an update on those things.

My blood work came back and my creatinine is back down. It's .83 which is really good. Which means I don't need to do a biopsy. So basically I need to remember to drink water while I am at work.

At work I felt like God was playing a practical joke on me at first because Monday and Tuesday when I went into work I had more projects added to my list of projects to do. That ended up being more frustrating than anything. Sometimes I think my boss wants to to get projects done right away which frustrates me because I work out front where my job above everything else is to help people. This means I can't always get projects done right away. But most of the time she doesn't expect me to get projects done right away. Most of the time she just figures you have time at night and I trust you will get these done. On a bit more positive note I think I have mentioned I have been working on organizing and checking our archives. Our archives are newspaper clippings, newsletters, and news releases pertaining to the college. Our archives are kind of a mess and it is a huge project but I like that I can go in there and have an idea of what to do and a set plan. I guess others have tried and failed to know what to do with some of the stuff in there. It makes me feel good to feel like I can go in there and see what needs to be done and how to get to the desired outcome. I know how to organize it so that it won't be a head ache for everyone else. Organization is kind of my thing.

At my place - Chad came and put a new faucet in for me. He showed me how to do that and then gave me a crash course in changing the lines because I had solid ones under my sink. So I did that and it felt incredible. Learning how to do things like that and work on this house made me realize how much I do like this house and this neighborhood and my neighbor who takes care of my yard. It's just my landlord I don't like. I know landlords are supposed to take care of the maintenance things but I really don't mind doing it. I also know it's me putting my money and time into a place I am renting but I do want to take care of the place I am living in. Anyway I still would rather have a different landlord but I like where I live a lot so for now I am going to deal with my landlord since I don't actually call him for things that much.

Also putting in the new water lines made me feel strong and powerful. I feel like I have had quite a few moments recently where I have felt like I can take care of myself. Which for a person who has been sick all of their life is a big deal. So much of my life I have to rely on others and oftentimes worry about what to do if someone is not available to help. This week lacked those kinds of fears. Because this week my brother Chad came and took care of me. (By the way I before I texted him I thought "Chad's close and if I don't call him about this he might do his normal 'This is what I am here for!' thing." I have found brothers like to take care of their sisters.) And this week I was able to take care of myself in ways that I never imagined before. Never would I have thought that I could change water lines. But I can!

It feels good to know that I don't always have to rely on others. Not that I am not grateful that people want to take care of me. I am. Thank you to everyone who takes care of me and wants to take care of me. But it also feels good to feel like I can in some small ways take care of myself.

As I kept telling myself this week. I am strong. I am brave. I am powerful. And I am proud of myself.

May you feel that way this week too.


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