I know I just posted last night

But I thought I would let you all know how my endoscopy went...

Some of you know that this time last year they found a large and in charge ulcer in my stomach that was swollen a lot...almost so much to close off my stomach from my intestines...thankfully it didn't get that large and in charge...but it did cause a lot of pain when my body was trying to digest things and it still does every now and then...they checked it a few times to make sure it wasn't cancerous and it wasn't...

Well since it's a year later they wanted to check it again...and I think we were all expecting it to either be gone or to be a little guy now...it's not...so he took some biopsies again to see if it was cancerous but he doesn't think it will be...

But because it's a year later and it's still a beast I have to go to an appointment in about 4 weeks to talk about my options for removing it...he said today that he wants to do that since I am young and have a lot of life left...he said that if I was 75 he wouldn't worry about it...and then he told me briefly a few of my options...he hopes they can do it there and just do it with the scope...but if not I would have to go to a surgeon and have a surgery most likely where a surgeon would take out part of my stomach to get rid of the thing...and because the ulcer is so low they would end up probably having to take the part where my stomach opens and closes into my intestines...which would cause other problems like pain and a lot of upset stomachs...so hopefully they can do it with the scope...

At first I acted like this was no big deal...and that it didn't bother me...truthfully though it does bug me...it's frustrating to feel like nothing in your body works the way it should...and it's disappointing to feel like you were going in sort of for a check up and expecting the ulcer to be smaller if not gone...and yet it's still there and as big as before...though now he is calling it a polyp since it's not open and bleeding everywhere...and it's kind of disheartening to know you are going to have another procedure to try to fix something else that is wrong with your body...

But on the plus side he did lower one of my medications...and it only took one stick too give my IV in instead of multiple...and it's good to feel like I have a reason for my sometimes stomach pains...and I guess it's nice to know that this can be taken care of...and that the rest of my digestive system looks good...and it's good to know that they don't think it is cancerous...

So even though I am upset and I keep crying about this stupid thing...there were some positives from the whole thing today...I mean I even made a bunch of the nurses laugh...


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