Trying to type with one hand

My left arm has two needles in it and anytime I move it my machine freaks out....we will see how far I get with one hand...

A lot of things recently have been reminding me of how sick I my disability check that came in the glad I've been sick for so long and can't do anything so I can get one...not...most days its hard to even get out of today sure I went and got groceries but I felt dead afterwards...and I really hate when people talk about disability don't know what it's like to live in your bed and not have the strength to go out much so shut your's not like I take pride in being on disability...I hate it...I wish I felt good enough to have a job...or to go places...but when even nurses wonder how you function on a day to day know something is not right...

But enough of being a downer for today...

"On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor... If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it." - 1 Cor. 12:22&26

I have been thinking about these verse a lot recently because when part of your body is failing well everything fails...and then you really realize what was being said here...which kind of sucks but is also kind of cool...

Let me see if I can make myself clear...

Your kidneys do more than you realize...when your kidneys fail you have a lot of side effects that you might not think itchy skin...back pain...headaches/light headed...forgetfulness...anxiety...nausea...swelling in hands feet and face...and well a lot of other things...some of them I can explain like headaches/light headed....your brain isn't getting enough oxygen in the blood stream because your kidneys aren't filtering your blood right...back pain your kidneys aren't working right causing pressure and fluid build up which leads to swelling...toxins building up in your body waiting to be processed out of your system by a slow working kidney...and some I cant why food taste metal-y...but as you can tell pretty much ever part of your body is effected when one part is sick...when you have a kidney transplant that cycle sort of continues because you are on immune-suppressants...they keep your body from rejecting your kidney but also mean that your immune system isn't working at full power so you get sick a lot...since I am currently on immune-suppressants and I have a failing kidney I get hit from both sides...which leads to me possibly having a UTI right now...which means on top of that mess that I just described I also have horrible pain my side where my kidney is (I get side pain instead of back pain since my kidney is on the front-ish left side of my body instead of in the back)...I feel like I super have to pee but then nothing comes out...I've had a few headaches...I'm super tired all the time but still have a hard time sleeping...and my stomach goes back and forth every few minutes between wanting to eat everything in sight and wanting to throw that's lovely...I've been trying to drink cranberry juice to help with that but frankly I think cranberry juice is that's not fun at all...

But hopefully with all this you can see what I mean by one part of the body not working right = nothing working right...and we tend to forget about some of our the kidney...or the thyroid...but look at all the people that have thyroid problems...for being such a little part of the body it sure causes a lot of drama...but just like the verse says "If one part suffers, the whole body suffers with it"...

Knowing that each part is that important I don't want to be someone who looks down on other people's roles in the church...just because I wouldn't do a job...say like working in the nursery doesn't mean I should frown upon me it means I should respect them all the more because they are playing an important role in the me it also means if we are missing something or if someone else needs help in their role we pitch in so that the body can continue being as productive as it can be...we don't just forget about that thing because we don't have someone to take over...if you were missing that organ you would need a new one...or you would die...but we don't always think that way with the church...but when we all work together in the right way its a pretty beautiful thing...


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