A little update

Everyday is a new adventure in my life...

On Wednesday I got done at KSB getting blood around 9 and then we got done with dialysis around 12:30...and this is at night...and originally we were thinking no big deal we don't have to leave early because I don't have to be at OSF until around 1...but then I got a call telling me to be at OSF around 10 am because my surgery got moved up...so less sleep but done sooner...not a bad pay off since originally we didn't think we would be getting home until maybe 8 at night on Thursday...

Anywho...we got there and got checked in...they got my IV in right away...no problems...and they didn't know for sure when I would be going in for surgery but it ended up being a little after noon...and originally they said it could take an hour and a half to two hours...I guess I only lasted about an hour...so that's sort of nice...

When the doctor talked to my parents he said the mass was really big and he had to take it out in pieces...he also said he only took out about 90% of the mass because he was worried he was cutting my stomach too much and that I would start bleeding a lot...all I know is that the pictures we saw later looked gross...he also said the mass was starting to grow into my small intestine too...so fun...even though he didn't get it all out I already have less stomach pain...so that's nice...he said they will probably have to go back in some other time to remove the rest of the mass...

After surgery I was a hot mess...I threw up twice right away...mostly air...because they pump you full of air so they have space to work...the nurse was saying it was a good thing I was getting all that air out of me since I had to sometime...I still felt horrible after that though...and when I tried to eat later it made me feel worse...normally after a surgery I don't feel good but this was different...I hate coming off the anesthesia because I hate feeling drugged...but once I come off of that more or sleep it off I feel a little better...and when they pump me full of air I usually feel a lot of pressure in my stomach which sucks...but last night I was feeling so sick to my stomach too...I kept saying "I know I'm not dying but I feel like I am dying"...that's right every now and then I am overly dramatic...and after a surgery is usually that time...

At first I was having a hard time sleeping because my stomach hurt so much...then around 10 I threw up twice...stomach acid and the 5 crackers I ate...and I felt a million times better...and was out right away...and woke up this morning with a sore throat and runny nose...basically I caught the cold/flu that my nephews had...glad it held off for a day or they might not have wanted to do the surgery...plus I think it's sort of good that I got my cold right about the same time because usually I would be feeling disgusting right now from my cold...but it seems like nothing compared to how I felt last night...

That's my adventure for  the last 48 hours...not really a fun adventure but still an adventure...


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