I have a new favorite Jason Gray song

Ok maybe 2 new favorites...

The ones that have been my favorites are Move and Cut...I still love those songs a lot because they still ring very true to me...

My new favorites ring true to me a different ways...we heard these songs at the concert and they are coming out on his new CD...the first one is called Nothing is Wasted...the chorus is pretty simple and it goes like this "nothing is wasted nothing is wasted in the hands of our redeemer nothing is wasted"...this song makes me think about how God make beautiful things out of the ashes and the dust of our lives...what really got me is when Jason was singing about our tears...it say in the Bible that God collects or records our tears (Psalms 56:8 - depending on your version)...that baffles me...but it also adds to the idea that nothing is wasted not even the tears that fall from our eyes no matter why they fall...

The other song that is my new favorite puts into words how I feel I try to live my life...it's called Good to be Alive - "I wanna live like there's no tomorrow love like I'm on borrowed time it's good to be alive"...now I might not always say that it's good to be alive because I am sick and in pain a lot and that sucks big time...but I do realize that I am living on borrowed time and I do try to live like each day matters no matter what that looks like...I may not be the best at it but I do try...so when I heard Jason sing this song I thought that's my song...life really is short and I really do want to be open and honest and live like each day is a gift cause they are...

Last night Jason also got me thinking about Tolkien which isn't that hard to do honestly because I'm a nerd and I love Tolkien...but he started talking about how LoTR inspired his song Everything Sad is Coming Untrue...both these things combined made me think about something we talked about in my Tolkien class often called...


In stories this is sort of a combination of events...it's when all hope seems lost...when it seems like everything that could go wrong has gone wrong and so much more...a good example of this if you know LoTR is when Gandalf falls in the Mines of Moria...it seems like when we are reading the book if we don't know the ending that all hope is lost...and the characters feel this way too...its almost like you can see into their minds as they think if Gandalf a great wizards couldn't even make it halfway through the journey how are the rest of us supposed to make it...we are destined to fail...BUT that's only part of the eucatastrophe and only part of the story...in a eucatastrophe not only is there the part where all hope is lost but there is the ultimate turn-around...in this case being that Gandalf isn't dead but comes back even more powerful than before even though not all the characters know that...things go from utter despair hopelessness and darkness to hopeful and beautiful and bright again and better than before...better than we could even imagine...

Remind you of anything else yet...

It did Tolkien (who coined the term) and does for me...Tolkien said that the greatest example of a eucatastrophe is also a true story...the story of Christ's death and resurrection...think about it...we read that Christ is supposed to be the savior of the world bringing freedom to His people...and if we don't know the ending when he dies on the cross all hope for this world seems lost...its like he if can't help us and still ends up like us what hope do we have...chaos and darkness wins...BUT there is the ultimate turn-around...the best happy ending we could ever wish for...He defeats death bringing life to all who believe in Him...bringing light and hope back to the world...

Tolkien put it well when he wrote Sam asking "Is everything sad coming untrue?" (which Jason Gray turned into a fantastic song...you should listen to it if you haven't)...everything turns around and looks so good even better than before that it can be hard to believe at first because everything we know or that we thought we knew is now a lie...it's been turned upside down...from what we know people don't come back from the dead...not even ones who die peacefully let alone ones who should have bled out long before they even got on the cross...this ultimate happy ending can be hard to believe and really does blow my mind...but it also fills me with so much joy and hope...

Now I know that this eucatastrophe is true...but if I didn't then I could understand why so many people in this world are hopeless...when we look at the world around us thinking that there is no savior then it would seem that chaos and darkness reign supreme...things look pretty hopeless...but with Christ the most beautiful happy ending ever has already in my mind beaten out all the ways that Satan or our flesh thinks it can win...and that thought still stops me in my tracks...could it really be that everything sad is coming untrue?


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