I really want to write about this

So I'm going to...

Today I needed to call Nancy who is the main nurse I work with through the kidney doctor's office...and I also needed to contact my finance counselor at school with questions about what I needed to get for loans...

First I called Nancy...as I wrote the other day my diarrhea has gotten worse again so that's why I wanted to call her...so I did and got a hold of her right away...I told her what was going on and she said "I don't even know what to ask you because I know you haven't had a fever or you would have called sooner"...that was nice to hear because it means she is starting to understand how I operate...I only call when there is a real problem...usually when I call she tells me she will talk to Dr Sader then call me back...today he was standing right there so she asked him right away...he is going to have me stop taking Cellcept for 3 days then continue taking it at a smaller dosage...this makes me happy because at an appointment before we were told that Cellcept can become hard for a body to digest when the kidneys are failing...which can result in diarrhea...so hopefully this time the diarrhea will really go away...

Then I called GCU...I couldn't find my personal finance counselors number so I called to 1 800 number...I was transferred to my finance counselors line but he was busy so I was waiting and waiting and then I decided why not just talk to whoever is available...bad choice...I ended up talking to this guy who was a finance counselor for online students only so he can only look at online files...which you would think wouldn't be a problem since I am an online student...the problem is I am still coded in their computers as a on campus student...so he couldn't help me and at this point my finance counselor was away from his desk...so I left a message for him to call me back because I had questions about what I needed to take out in loans...then I waited most of the day for him to call me back...normally I would fall asleep and not worry about the phone ringing because normally it wakes me up so I can answer it...but since I slept through the alarm I set for myself this morning I figured I better not try sleeping...which has made me cranky...anyways I've been waiting and waiting for him to call back...and then he finally did...when I was in the bathroom...how typical...but I called him back right away and got a hold of him...and we got everything all straightened out...after a grant and loans that I get through the government automatically it looks like I only have to take out another loan for about $3000 for the whole year...which also means I will finish school with not much debt...it's times like this that I am glad that I went to Sauk for 2 years for free and that I am a good student since that gets me all kinds of money...

So even though I didn't get a nap and I was frustrated with my finance counselor since I have e-mailed him multiple times within the last month with no reply...it ended up being a pretty great day and worth the wait...

I'm pretty excited about that and I just thought I would share that excitement with you...


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