I wish I could tell you this week is going better

But it's not really...I didn't want to get out of bed for anything today...but I did because I had to vote and I had to go to the hospital and get my iron Iv...tomorrow I am hoping to go to the hospital to get some blood so that I don't feel like I am dying with no strength...

But on the plus side I thought I would tell you some fun things that happened recently...

On Monday I was getting ready to go to the hospital to get my blood drawn and I was scrapping the frost off my car with an American Eagle Rewards card because I don't have a scrapper...I know that's bad when you live in the mid-west...I lost mine somewhere...anywho I was doing that and all the sudden my friend Jon W appears to help me scrap my car off with a REAL scrapper...I sort of thought it was funny that he appeared out of what seemed like no where but he was probably dropping his kids off at school or something and then passed my house...so that was a blessing...

And then when I was at the hospital I was walking in behind this guy and I thought I think that's my Uncle...well really he'd be like my great uncle because he's my grandma's brother...but I knew it was him after he spelled out his name for the receptionist lady...and then I sat down so that my back was facing him because I didn't know if he knew me...but I could hear him making friends with some guy sitting by him which is so like my grandma's family...then he got his blood drawn and he came out and asked if I was me and I said yeah and he told me his name which I thought was adorable...I told dad later I should have gotten up and hugged him and said I know who you are...so then he caught up a little on what was going on with the family and well I loved it...

Also I am like a step away from completing my Master's application...I just have to find the energy to do it...and then send it all in...and well I'm not really nervous about it anymore...I have had a lot of people tell me I will get in and I will do great so that feels good but I'm sort of at a place where I figure I'm not really going to do anything that will change if I get in or not...and I feel like this is what I should be doing so that makes me feel good too...

And well even though I am super worn out and cranky and I just want to sleep all day I am looking forward to heading to a friends open house this weekend with my mom and my best friend...I'm excited about the things that are happening in his life...I always love to see my friends doing well...and I know they would say the same about me...cause I can tell they hate it when I'm not feeling good and they can't do anything about it...sorry you all have to deal with that...and thank you for loving me through it


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