Crap day

So yesterday I posted on facebook that I was having a crap day...and I know some of you were probably like what's going here's the scoop..

My day actually started out not that bad I went to KSB to get my last dose of iron IV and all the nurses wanted to see me and stopped by my room just to check in on me because they love I said before going to the hospital is like going to Cheers...

But then things got a little crazy after that...I should say first though that for quite a few days my side had been hurting where my kidney is and then my heart started hurting a lot on Monday...but it was really only that day...and I thought I told my nurse this but evidently I didn''s hard to remember who I told what since I have so many nurses calling me all the time...

Anywho my mom had called one of the nurses earlier in the day freakin out so then another nurse from the same office called me back...and she was all like you didn't tell me this stuff you didn't tell me you were feeling so sick...and I felt like she was sort of getting upset with me but I know she was just doing her job and reminding me that she can't help me if I don't tell her what's going on...but I really thought that I did tell her that stuff that my mom told the other nurse...just because I told her it calmly without freaking out doesn't mean I didn't say anything...and  now my doctor wants to see me sooner before my original when I called his office where I used to have appointments before I was on dialysis the ladies there were kind of rude to me on the phone...telling me about the appointment I already have and blah blah blah and I just wanted to be like "I am not stupid! I know I'm on dialysis and dialysis patients go elsewhere for appointments but this is what my nurse told me to do" I'm already upset and then they are being short with me making me more upset...and I still don't have appointment...and I was super frustrated and got off the from my like 6 phone calls and was crying and crying...good thing I became ok with crying when I was in Arizona or I would be in trouble now with all the crying I have been doing recently...

So yeah I'm upset and crying while getting stuff ready for dialysis which is no fun...and mom and I get talking about what happened....and well I am the type of person that doesn't say something hurts unless it really hurts...the school nurses in high school knew if I showed up saying I felt sick I really was sick and probably needed to go home...because I never went in...I think I was sent home from the nurses office like once or twice a year and I was really sick a lot...but I've been known to suck it if I say something like...I have chest means I have really bad chest pain and it really is a I think maybe I need to tell my nurses that again...that I don't just lightly say things or complain about everything...I'm not going to go to them and be like my fingernail hurts...that's lame...I'm only going to my nurses something if I am really feeling sick....and then talking about that with my mom made my heart hurt more so we think part of the time the chest pain might have been anxiety...

And then when I was on dialysis I spilled ketchup on my bed...worst day ever...

And then when I was laying in my bed trying to sleep I got really hot and had a headache and thought I might throw that sucked...made it even harder to sleep...and made me wonder if I was having the same problem as a year ago that lead to the seizures...but my blood pressure was fine...and I think I just need to go see my back doctor and get it adjusted...and the throw up feeling eventually went away...

But I was thinking last night how crazy it is too me how many people love me and want the best for if I post something about not feeling good or mom posts something about me right away people all over the US are praying for me...some of them even have there own health things to deal with or their own crazy life things going on but they still take the time to pray for me...and that's kind of crazy and humbling to me...just how much love is rained down on me all the I have some nerdy friends who have been posting things or texting me things like "May the force be with you"...I love it so much and it means so much to thank you for your continued love and prayers...and no matter how cheesy this sounds having the friends and family that I do makes dealing with all this a little easier


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