
So if you haven't noticed I haven't been having the best week...

I think I talked to the doctors office at least once every day...which I guess was needed but was annoying...I haven't had any other chest pain so they decided I didn't need to go in...especially because I think the chest pain was anxiety...which obviously is totally great...

And then I had some problems with my application...that I think I maybe got worked out...but I also got my GRE scores back and I did terrible...especially on the writing part...which surprised a lot of people since I write all the time...and they say I'm good at it...but I am pretty sure I misunderstood the directions...and that's when my hemoglobin was low...I mean I seriously almost fell asleep during the test...so I am trying to not beat myself up over the bad score but I am upset about it...

So with this upsetting down week I have needed a lot of encouragement...which I fell weird asking for...

I think some of my friends knew I needed a little pick me up...so they tired which was nice...but I was reminded by my mom one night about the video that that made me last year at camp and how encouraging that was...so here it is...

Though encouragement right now would be good too...even though I still kind of suck at taking encouragement...this video was a good reminder of how loved I am...


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