
I'm spending the day before Thanksgiving in the hospital because my hemoglobin decided to drop pretty low again...two weeks ago it was 7.4 today it was that's great...I am glad to be getting blood...I won't be able to test for transplant against anyone in December but I know this blood is keeping me alive so I am trying to be happy about that...

Also I have an appointment on the 27th of Dec. to get the mass thingy in my stomach removed...and that's with the the endoscope which is what I wanted...I am excited about's about time that thing was pulled out...I know it's not cancerous but it is causing some pain and such so I would love to have it out now...also in my mind taking that out means I am that much closer to getting a transplant...don't know if that's true or not but it should be a step towards feeling better and I am all for that...

I was thinking I should post about things I am thankful for since Thanksgiving is here it goes...

I am thankful for modern medicine...without it I would not have made it to my second birthday over 20 years ago...and I am thankful that they can do things to make me feel dialysis and blood transfusions and all types of surgeries to keep me matter how much of a diva my body is they was seem to know how to make me feel better...

I'm thankful for nurses and doctors that know me and think of me as an individual person not just numbers on a piece of paper...they are able to laugh with upset with me...and help me try to live a fuller life...

I'm thankful for a sense of humor that thinks the most ridiculous things are the shows Big and Rob or Fantasy Factory or Duck Dynasty...I am also thankful for those shows because they crack me up and put me in a good mood even when I feel like crap...and I am thankful that I can watch them or even just clips of them online all the time...and I might just do that today...

I am thankful for my laptop that I can take to the hospital with came in handy when I was taking classes online and had to do homework from my hospital bed...and it comes in handy when I am bored out of my mind when at the hospital...

I am thankful that I am done with classes for now...I was glad I could take the rest online and finish that way it was a blessing...but I am glad I don't have to deal with that right now since I never know where I will be...

I am thankful for my friends that visit me in the hospital or sit with me while I'm on means so much to me to have friends who are there for me through every up and down that I go through...they aren't just fair weather friends...or friends who do all this stuff with me to try to make themselves look better but they genuinely love me and care about me and what me around for a long time...they are the friends that will cry with me and then laugh with me...they are the ones who are the examples of what it is like to "rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn"...and they love to brighten my day however they can...wither it's telling me stupid jokes or doing impersonations or talking nerdy to me...I often feel like in the story of the sheep and the goats they would be the sheep as they take care of me...doing it without being told and without hidden motives...

I am thankful for my family...we do what we can to survive each day and my family has always tired to make everything fun for me...showing me that I am not defined by my illness and that it does not hold me back from life...though we have our quirks and we fight with each other like all families do we let our hardships bring us closer together not tear us apart...we understand that if one of us is having a shit day and lashes out at the other it's not personal...and we can move past those hurts...we know how to laugh with and at one another and we know how to defend and protect one another...

I am thankful for my parents...they show me everyday what real love is like...that marriage is not just being together when things are going good and the other one is making you happy...but marriage is sometimes being so annoyed with one another but dealing with it because you love each other...they may drive each other crazy but they have been together almost 30 years and they are still in love...and I love when they show that love to each other...even if I did think it was gross when I was little...till I realized not all parents did that and I was blessed that mine did...

And even though I really would love to be in heaven partying it up with Jesus I am thankful to be alive...obviously he has something fun in store for me in this life yet...and sometimes thinking about that blows my mind...that there would be something so important for me to do yet in this life that he would keep me alive through all of this mess...

And lastly I am thankful for best friend...the Saviour of my life...and the name my heart sings


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