I'm in a band

Ok so it's only for camp...so we only play together for a total of one week and one weekend out of the whole year...but we do have people that listen to us and sing along...since we play worship music...mainly I just wanted to say I'm in a band to sound cool...and I do want to talk about said band but first a little update...

I went to a doctors appointment today...just the normal check up stuff...and nothing really changed...my blood pressure is still a little high so my meds are being changed around again for that...I'm kind of hoping that taking a higher dose of another one will mean I can get off the Tang colored one...I sort of thought it was funny today that I have been being truthful to my nurse about my blood pressure and she thought it was ok...but then today my doctor was all like, "this isn't good, we need to get this under control."...but you'll have that sometimes...other than that my doctor was cracking me up today...he can be really funny...so I'm glad he's my doctor since I like to laugh...he knows when to be serious and when to joke...

Now back to the band...

I was thinking about them today because I was bored on the car ride...and well I love that I am a part of something...it makes me feel like Wonder Woman with the Justice League because I am the constant chick in the band...there have been other girls...like currently sometimes Sam or Betsy will join us and I love that...but most of the time it's me and the guys...which is ok with me because since I was maybe four when Tyler moved in next door (he doesn't live there anymore)...I've spent a lot of time with dudes...I don't know why but I am more comfortable around them...it kind of runs in the family...and sometimes when I am around girls I feel like I have to be a certain way...like I have to talk about make-up (that I don't wear) and talk about who I have a crush on (I've made up people before just to answer this) and not say inappropriate things (which depending on the group means I can't even say fart...as you can imagine this doesn't work well)....

Anywho at camp we usually have a time before chapel...half an hour or so where we head up the hill early and "practice"...now if you've been in the chapel during this time or heard any of us talk about this time we don't usually get a lot of practicing done...like good super heroes we've been playing together awhile so we pretty much know what will be going on during worship...we do check to make sure he have the right order...and look to see if there are any songs new to any of us...and there is some tuning of instruments going on...but mostly we mess around...we crack jokes...or Gary sings parts of older love songs...and if it's hot out like it was this past summer the guys lay down on the cool cement floor...with no air conditioning at camp we look for anyway we can to cool off...they've even prayed while laying on the floor...

The thing is...this is one of my favorite parts about camp...sure I love talking to my campers and I love when they open up to me about their lives...those are all great things but so is this time...in this time I feel like I am part of something and that maybe I am doing something right...in this time...especially when we pray I remember why we are at camp and why we are worshiping...instead of focusing on the days events or whatever craziness is going on at camp...all I am focusing on is my creator and savior...that time re-centers me with a purpose...

And then there are these little golden moments during that time where Gary will start playing a worship sing we are going to do that night...and instead of stopping after two lines declaring we know it already...he keeps playing and singing...sometimes he's not even plugged into the sound system...and we get so caught up in the sing and in worshiping that we sing the whole thing...with our handful of voices filling the chapel...and for me it's one of those moments that you don't want to end...one of those moments when you feel like you have been welcomed with open arms into the throne room to sing before God and he just looks at you and smiles...and you know He's looking at you and thinking, "with you, I'm well pleased."...


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