Positive Wednesday Post

So I may have been slightly over doing it the past few days...but it kind of feels good...I mean yeah I am worn out...but I'm worn out because I have been doing so much...I've been doing so much because I feel good enough to do all this stuff...so that's a nice change...

I guess maybe I should define the "so much" that I have been doing...Tuesday morning I was out of the house for about 2 hours getting groceries and running errands...and then I worked for an hour and a half...which is what I normally work...and I fell right to sleep...that's doing a lot of work for me and my low energy levels...sure they are getting better but my body is still used to running at low levels and not doing much...then today (Wednesday) I went into work early because the girl that usually works in the morning couldn't make it in...and since it's tax season and I work at a tax place they need somebody working our job...so I went in and I worked I think like four and a half hours today...when I was already feeling worn out from yesterday...but like I said it feels dang good to be able to do so much...

And I really like my job...more than I thought I would...I think it's because I really like the people I work with...they are genuinely nice people...and so fun...we laugh so much during the day...so that makes sitting a desk not seem so daunting and monotonous...

It really does feel good to feel like I can kind of do stuff again...even if it does wear me out...being able to help out around the house or have a job is making me feel more like myself again...which is always a plus...

My classes are still only ok...I enjoy actually working in the library verses sitting in a class and hearing about working in a library...big difference...so I am still wondering off and on what I got myself into...good thing I have some friends in my classes and we can joke about a lot of the things that are going on...though I could have used them in my Young Adult literature class Tuesday night when we were talking about Little Women...my classmate's were going on and on about how much they loved that book...I can't stand it...it must be a family thing because my mom and my sister can't stand it either...if my friends from 502 would have been there they would have shared their opinions as to why they don't like it either...

I tend to keep a lot of my opinions about books to myself...especially when it comes to classics...like Jane Austen...I know tons of people love her but mostly I don't like her work...it's predictable...and slow at times...and life does not have prefect happy endings where everything gets wrapped up nicely...though if I look at her work as her being sarcastic about society in her time it can be funny at times...but whenever I say I don't like Austen it's like most Eng Lit people are ready to light the torches and cry blasphemy...so I keep it to myself...no need to get their blood  pressures up over a book...

Besides that not mush else has changed...I think maybe I am off hold on the transplant list but I haven't heard...I might send in some blood anyway...and we will see what happens...


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