Here's an update

Last night and today when I have pooped it's been black which means there is dried blood in my stool. I am assuming that blood is coming from my polyps and that they are now bleeding worst since this hasn't been a problem so far.

I haven't eaten much of anything today because when I try to eat my stomach hurts more than it already does.

I called the GI doc's office first thing this morning and was waiting all day to hear back from him. Around 4 pm I called them back because I had received a call. Evidently my message got sent to the wrong person and this time around I got sent right to a nurse who sounded a little nervous. She had me do a blood test tonight at KSB to check my blood levels and I have appointment to see my GI tomorrow in Peoria.

She is not sure what will happen. Sounds like they might admit me. But if I am being honest she sounded pretty unsure about what to do. The surgery I am having is usually only done once or twice a month on pre-set days. But I am assuming if it is an emergency they will do it earlier. I really have no clue though.

The only thing I am sure of is that I am bleeding internally. It is something to be concerned about as is the pain I am having.

We are heading to Peoria tomorrow for an appointment. I do not know if I will be staying but mom and I are packing bags just in case. Frankly the not knowing is the most stressful part for me.

Even though this might sound weird I am kind of hoping that I will be admitted and we can get all this taken care of sooner. And maybe get my arm fixed while we are at it.


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