Posting while on dialysis has become a habit

First things first...I haven't put a link to dad's caring bridge site in a while so here that is...

Been talking to him on the phone once in a while and he seems to be in pretty good spirits so that's nice...and I think he likes having therapy to do so that he is not laying in bed doing nothing all day...he has a surgery scheduled for tomorrow to remove the last of the outside rods and pins in his right least I think that's what the surgery is for...

I am also posting because I got to skype with Zachary Levi insane is that...and you all probably know that I take pride in my hair and he thought it was fly...which can't lie was a big deal to me...though I do think it is a little bit of a mess since I played outside in the water with my nephews yesterday and haven't showered since then so it is sticking up weird in a few places...but I did get it cut at the beginning of the week since Heather had an opening and she and I both think my hair is changing...maybe from all the transfusions I have had and because there was that period where I lost a bunch of my hair...but she thinks it is darker and curlier...aka more like my fathers I def have to make sure I don't end up with a white girl fro because that's not so hot...ok maybe I am the only one who thinks that...

If you wnat to know more about how the skyping went message me on facebook or call me or stop by the house and we will chat about it...if you come over though you might want to bring food cause we have nothing in the house to feed you since we been coming and going a lot...not that we need a bunch of people to drop off food...we just don't have a lot to feed anyone else...we need to get groceries so bad...hopefully we will have time to do that this week...

The only thing I will say about skypeing is that I was a little sad Nicole couldn't be around for it because she really wanted and I were talking about how she has been ther for so many of my lows in the past year...even saving my life in October...that it would be so cool for her to be there for something really good...but thats not that big of a deal...when I tell her she will just say she hates having to work all the time at Arthur's...

Besides being excited about the Zachary Levi thing I am super stoked for camp...I have so many great ideas this year for what to talk about with my girls...I keep saying this year I am going to have the cool cabin...that's never happened before...I can be kind of a lame counselor because I do things on a whim...but this year I am planning ahead and Nicole is in on it too...I just am excited and I would post about it here but some of the girls I will have at camp read my blog and I don't want to spoil any of the after camp you will hear all about it...

And since I have jumped around a lot already in this post let me jump to one other thing...

I was thinking a lot I normally do...about how people think I am strong and inspiring and blahblahblahblah whatever...all these things that I think aren't totally true because it's not really me...and I am just lving my life the way I know how to...and even though this may sound cheesy and preach-y it really does make me think of Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:8-10
"Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weakness, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, and in difficulties. For when I am weak I am strong."
First I have always liked this because Paul was obviously doing what we all do asking for healing...but then he got over that...he saw that healing wasn't what God wanted for him and learned to deal with that and praise God in that...sometimes I feel like we miss out on that because we are so busy asking for God to heal us that we miss out on how God can be gloried in the midst of the crap...I also love that Paul knows its not of his own strength or for his own glory that these thign are happening...all that is going on with me doesn't really have anything to do with me...I am the vessel...I am a tool (you will only hear me ay that about myself in referance to any other context I am not a tool)...I just want to be used by him for his glory for his kingdom...and dealing with all of this has nothing to do with my strength...I mean come on my hemoglobin is at the point where most people would be in the hospital...and most days I don't want to get out of bed because I'm moody and feel almost no motivation to get out of bed and have little strength...basically I just chill in my sweatpants all what I do is def no strength of my own but all Jesus...and with all I do I want to glorify him...I want to be know as someone who praises him no matter what the circumstances are...

Which leaves me to want to be like Paul and say no matter life brings good or bad I will priase God for what he has given me because he only gives good gifts...and saying that makes me thnk of one of one of my current favorite songs "Shake it Out" by Florence and the Machine...I love the idea of shaking off the bad to get on with life...sometimes things only effect us as much as we let them...we can't wallow in depression and anger and whatever forever because we are missing out on so much...and like Florence "I'm ready to suffer and I'm ready to hope"...I'm ready to live and have been...and what God has promised at the end of this is more than worth "I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardship, in persecutions, and in difficulties. For when I am weak I am strong."


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