My anniversary is tomorrow

That is the anniversary of my kidney transplant and the anniversary of when I first got sick...kind of crazy that they are on the same day...June 22nd 1991 I showed signs of a cold and some other things that lead to my kidney failure...that was 21 years ago...then June 22nd 1998 I had a kidney transplant receiving a kidney from my dad...that was 14 years's kind of crazy to think for...I want to celebrate it and I did a little today by buying myself some great presents...but I also feel a little weird celebrating it because my kidney is not really's still been that many years since my first transplant though and that many years of being freaking many years of extra life...which is pretty amazing and it feels dang good to be alive...

That might sound kind of weird but I can explain why I feel that way in one simple word...


I have an unshakable hope in so many things...I have a hope that this craziness in my life isn't all for nothing...I have hope that something great will come of and this and that something great may already be coming of this...and I have a hope in Jesus Christ that he is still good no matter what and can only give good gift even when I think they are jacked up...I have a hope in the life after this that I will finally get to be with him in heaven and I think that day will be pretty great...I'm definitely going to enjoy that party...

The thing is to with my dad being sick now too laid up in the hospital and me still being sick I have a hope in other things that I will see in the that I will get to ride with dad down the bike path in town and have a picnic out at Lowell Park...or that I will see him do all these fun things with those little boys down the street watching him help them grow into gentlemen...that I'll get another transplant and feel great and be able to chase those boys way more than I do now...and that maybe if I do ever decide to get married dad will walk a healthy me down the aisle...

I have this hope this confidence that may seem unexplainable...but I think Psalm 27:13 & 14 explains it well the hope that we have in Jesus...

"I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take hope and wait for the Lord."

Think about it...this was written by David and things went pretty crappy in his life a lot and sometimes it was his own fault...despite all of this he still believed that God would be good because God says he is good and because God had already proven that he was good...

I don't know about David but even in the bad times I try to make it a point of still seeing the good in rule number 32 in Zombieland says "Enjoy the little things"...though in the movie is would have been things like a Twinkie or destroying a bunch of little things in my life it looks a little my life it translates into laughing at my nephews for all the silly things they do...or going driving with my friends...or watching a dorky movie that makes me laugh...or remembering all the great things I have already gotten to do...there are so many good little things that make us happy that make us smile...its those things that make the hard things easier...and those things make confidence a possibility...and makes hope run through your veins with its own life...


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