Seriously my weekend just keeps getting better

So Friday on my anniversary (14 years post transplant/21 years since I first got sick) we did dialysis in the morning and the headed to Wisconsin for Mountain of Praise...that is mom Nicole and myself went to Wisconsin...first thing we did when we got to Wautoma was what we always do...go to Stoneridge and get cheese...also we looked around the store forever looking for a piggly wiggly shirt since it is success...

Then the rest of the day was pretty chill as we caught up with old friends and listened to aunt did call my mom with some pretty exciting news and I did freak out...I am not going to deny that...but I am pretty chill's a huge surprise and I am looking forward to it but I don't really want to overly talk about it or make a big deal out of it...even though I probably should...but if you want to know what cool thing is happening that could actually make me scream like a girl (since my friends know how much I hate that)...then message me or call me over something and I will tell you...I really am trying to stay calm about it though and not continue to scream and such about it...its a big deal but I want to treat it like its not because I am still trying to wrap my head around the whole thing so yeah...I may post about it later...I may not...we will see...

What else about this weekend...oh mom and Nicole sort of played this prank on me...I totally have this thing for dreads...especially black men with dreads...who love Jesus...and a surfer on top of that would be like icing on the cake...well there was a black man with dreads who loves Jesus (and is in a hippie band) at MOP...when we showed up I wasn't around so mom and Nicole talked to him about this and the three of them along with his friend decided to play a joke on I come back and know nothing of this...and I see him right away...I mean I pick out people with dreads all the time...but I was like "look at him" and mom acts all cool (which never happens when she is trying to play a joke) and she says "yeah its Donald" like I should know we are old friends...and I am thinking I don't know this guy...all the while he and his friend are walking towards us...and then mom sort of strikes up a conversation with him and him and his friend start talking about surfing all these waves they I'm totally thrown off...still trying to figure out how I know them...then thinking this is so not happening...I did not just meet a guy who holds my requirements for my future husband...though I don't really stick to them...and then boom it hits me...Dina Frye...and she loses it laughing and so does then mom's like "thanks guys" and they walk away and tell everyone about mom and Nicole and me...funny...they kept talking about surinig all the time around me too...even though they don't really was pretty funny...

That was not the only joke played either...Nicole and I kept harassing Seth...when I was little Seth gave me the nickname koolaid lips and one of my good friends Lauren Peters got the name giggles at the same time...within the past few years we started calling him buttdust...this year he gave Nicole the name hula hippie...but we kept joking with each other and messing with each other all weekend...sort of like old times at His that was fun...

And then to top off my great week I just got a call from giggles asking me if I would be a bridesmaid in her wedding next year...which makes me feel so incredibly bless to know her so long and to still be such good friends with her...I'm crying a little thinking about all we have been through together...I just want her to be happy and I think she that feels dang good...and then once I get off dialysis Nicole and I are going to the drive in the see Brave and Avengers...

I'd have to say this weekend has been beyond stellar and I am so blessed to have so many people who love me and want to do these incredible things for me...maybe it has something to do with that hope...and the joy that often accompanies it...

Oh and one last thing...I loved sort of freaking people out this weekend when they felt my fistula since it buzzes like electricity...Jake (giggle's hilarious younger brother) asked me if I had a motor in my arm and Glenn Kaiser felt and said "what a trip" and then took a picture of my scar to see if his wife could guess what it was pretty great...


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