So I had started a post on sunday

But then I went to the movies and completely forgot about it till today...

I don't know for sure what to say because I have been feeling like a mess of emotions lately...not that the rest of my family hasn't but I can only speak for me...I told my best friend though that this is one of those times when I want a punching bag because I need some how to get my anger and frustration out...I don't know I want to cry and scream and whatever but mainly I just want all this hard stuff to be over with but I don't really see that happening anytime soon...

My health is blood pressures have been a little crazy but that could be because of all that is going on...and yesterday after dialysis was not good because I felt really sick...we think I took off to much...

Dad is slowly doing better...I guess he is mouthing words and stuff now...which is good but that also means all the healing time and stuff is really happening now and that is sort of scary to just seems like a long hard road...I know how to deal with me being sick but not with other people so this will be an interesting lesson...and I'm not really looking forward to it because no one really wants to see their parents in pain...

I am happy that he is doing better I just wish life wasn't so hard like all the time...


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