Surpirse Surgery and Bragging on my Brothers

I had to go to Peoria yesterday...when I went in December to get part of the mass in my stomach removed Dr. Al-Rashdan said he would have me come back in about a month to get the rest I called a few days after the first surgery and scheduled another one...then I was told by Dr. Sader who saw Rashdan in the hall at the hospital that they were just going in to look and see how my stomach was doing...and that's what Rashdan's office said I thought yesterday I was going in for a scope with maybe a biopsy...

But then when I got there surprise of surprises it was a surgery...and I was pretty happy about that because we needed to get this thing taken care of before we can do anything transplant he took 90% out of what was left which means I only have about 1% of the original mass/polyp in my stomach...which makes me happy...but since it was closer to the lining on my stomach this time...and I didn't throw up any blood last night to get the blood from my surgery out of my body...I have been feeling killa nasty...

Also it has come to my attention that when I say I'm on hold on the transplant list ya'll may not know what I'm talking about...what being on hold means that your condition is not stable enough for you to have a transplant...basically you are too sick to have a transplant...that's where I have been a lot recently...first it was the constant transfusions (donate blood it saves lives...and not just mine) and now because of this mass...when you are having another issue taken care of in your body you have to wait until that is resolved to do anything else...but while you are on hold you still can move up the don't lose your spot or anything...but since I am number one on the OSF list I obviously have no where to move up too...also being number one isn't that means that you have either been on the list a long freakin time...or you are the sickest patient that needs that organ...lovely right...

So yesterday feeling sick me got home from the hospital and posted this...

My veins don't really like to cooperate when nurses are trying to start IV's...these are just two of the three bruises on my arm....I told my nurse it wasn't that bad because it has taken 6 to 7 times before because I have so much scar tissue in my arm...

And then my brother Garrett posted this on twitter...
"My 1000th tweet goes out to my sister . Great example of God's grace and strength to me! Keep it up BB!" (these are the types of things that get you cookies in the mail)
And it made me thankful to have so many great brothers in my life...they always do and say the best things to remind me how loved I when my brother from the same womb Mikey fixes my car or tries to cheer me up by being a goof... or when he says things like this "So my little sister is the sickest person i know, but is quickly on her way to becoming one of the highest educated people i know, makes you think where is your life going thanks for the inspiration BB."...or when Lance and Garrett drive up to see me when I am in the hospital in Peoria (an hour for Lance and I think two hours for Garrett) to make sure I am ok...or when those times when Danny and Garrett sat through 4 hour dialysis treatments with one really wants to do that but they did it anyway...or like this past week when Danny has been sending me encouraging texts (I know he's not sending them to just me but it still feels good)...or when Kenny calls me on the way to class...or having Maxwell as my escort to banquets at camp (Maxwell did you know that when you are not around for camp banquet I don't have an escort because I get too busy helping get stuff ready that I forget all about never let me forget) or any of the other great things he does...or when G says things like "Sister you're irreplaceable"...or when Cory draws me pictures in church and sings the Unicorn song from Despicable Me to make me laugh...or when Mini still wants me around even though I mercilessly pick on him...

These guys encourage me so much and are part of the reason I'm still around with a smile on my face (there are a lot of other people that add to this like my girls...but it's called bragging on my brothers....just wait I'll talk up my girls some other time)...they inspire me to continue to live authentically and love deeply...

Life can be awful rough...but with people like them around it makes it all worth it...


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