I guess you'd say what can make me feel this way my girls

I haven't been feeling the best this week...tired all the time but not really sleeping...back to the not falling asleep at night until maybe 1 in the morning...and then waking up a lot...recently it's been from bad dreams...which makes me not want to fall back asleep...and then I've been waking up early...like six...even when I don't have anything to do until later...I just love that kidney failure does that to you...

And I have been sick to my stomach...usually in the morning after I take my meds...makes it so I don't want to eat breakfast...I think my body is just sick of all the chemicals I have to put in it to keep it alive and working...but drinking Sprite seems to help...so that's what I have been doing...

Besides that I am ok...we have slowly been working on getting the house ready to sell so we can move to a one story house...we've lived in this house for over 20 years so we have a lot to sort through deciding what to keep and what to get rid of...boxing up stuff for for the new house is making me want to move...which is good because at first I was nervous about it...I only know this house...and sometimes it's weird to think about living somewhere else...we've had a lot of good memories here...so moving day...whenever it comes might be a hard one...

Besides that I was thinking about how I should brag on my girl friends...since I already bragged on my brothers...first off since I have been one who is known to be part of the boys club normally...it is nice to have girl friends that I can hang out with...sure sometimes they drive me nuts with their girl talk but I am still glad they are around...

I love how the twins let me influence them to eat junk food and be more hippy like...and how they still think I am cool even when I pick on them...or how my friends from Arizona let me take my time to get involved and then once I did never let me make excuses to not do stuff with them...I need those kinds of friends...or the girls from camp who encourage me to stay strong and keep doing what I am doing...and for my cabin girls who put up with my weird lessons and last minute thoughts...their fearlessness to learn and grow pushes me to be better for them...or Lou Lou for always making me laugh and making my day better by telling me funny stories...I'm blessed that you would want me to be part of your wedding...or Taylor...I never realized how much alike we really are but she is such a gift in my life right now as we share our slow progress in becoming adults and how weird it is...I can't forget my sister...she has taught me a lot of cool things...and even though I compete with her sometimes for fun I am glad I have you to learn things from and to look out for me at times...and I still think it's funny that people think we are twins...and that I am taller than you (Boom! couldn't help it...I know you're giving me that look)...obviously I can't forget my girl Nicole...I think we all know why I am thankful for her...I mean she saved my life...super hero for realsies...her selflessness amazes me...I think everyone should have a girl like her in their life...also she has taught me how to be a real friend and for that I am endlessly grateful...

I know a lot of people can say great things about their friends...but I don't want to just assume that the people around me know what I think of them and know that I love them...so that's why I did these posts...because I want my friends to know what I think...and because I want other people to see how great the people around me are...I don't think I would be the person I am without people around me to teach me how to be a better person and how to be a better me...it helps that they accept me fully just as I am...I mean they let me be the smelly hobo that I often am...and let me walk around in sweatpants even though I do know how to put a great outfit together...they don't care that sometimes I wear the same thing for a multiple days or if I have super messy hair...or that I can be a hot mess...they take me fully as is...and that's something to be celebrated and applauded...


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