Easter Sunday

Let's talk health first so I can get that out of the way...I have been feeling a little weird lately...the past two days when I stand up I feel dizzy and a little like I am going to black out...so that's no fun...I don't want what that's all about...mom is wondering if my hemoglobin is low since my eyes look dark....and I have dark circles around my eyes...so we will see how that all pans out I guess...I have to do a hemoglobin check this week so we will find out if it is that or not...I will not be happy if it is that because we thought we finally had this hemoglobin thing solved and I am on a higher dose of epo...I would be very frustrated and confused if it was my hemoglobin dropping rapidly...

Even with that going on today I had a good day...people kept telling me how good I looked in my new dress which is always nice...and I had so much fun at my aunt and uncle's flying kites...I told my parents I should be a professional kite flyer...I'm not really that good at it...it just like it...I find kite flying to be very relaxing...I did win a prize today though for kite flying...mom had four prizes...one went to my sister in law for getting her kite out of the trees the most times...one went to my sister and her boyfriend for being analytical in their kite flying...one went to my cousin's wife for getting her kite tangled the fastest...and the other went to me for being the first with with my full first line out and part of a second line started with it and for laying down while kite flying...I told you it's relaxing...my nephew Jeremiah did at one point tell me that when it came to kite flying he "was the bestest" and I was a "dork"...which made me laugh for sure...he may have still been mad at me that we couldn't find that last egg hidden in the yard...my bad...

I was glad today was a fun day even if I was having those weird "I'mma pass out" spells...because I love today...I love what today stands for...I love the hope in this day...the reminder that death has been overcome...it's a day that reminds me that I have a bit of a sneak peak at the ending of my own story...and what a great ending it is...a day that fills me with joy and peace thinking about how he endured all that he did for the love of his children...for all of us...

But that also speaks directly to my soul...as Pastor Jim said in church today...Jesus made it personal...he came for me...to give me hope...to show me how much he loves me and values me...to prove his love...to reform the broken bond...to give me rest and peace...to give me joy...and to give me a beautiful happy ending despite the torments of this life...

That to me is something worth celebrating...


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