I Just Have to

Today is Wonder Woman's birthday and I thought it only appropriate to say a few words about her...(yes I'm that big of a nerd)...

First off I have to say what I great early birthday present Wonder Woman got from MSN Nerdcore this past weekend by naming her sexiest comic book character...but I mean really...like there was ever any other choice or any doubt in anyone's mind about that...

Now on to the other things I want to say about WW...I feel like I have learned a lot of life lessons from WW and I just want to acknowledge them and say thank you...

She taught me at a young age that just because your girl doesn't mean you can't also be the hero of your own story...being a lady and a princess doesn't mean you have to sit around embroidering waiting for princes charming to save you from the tower...that's a lot of dang embroidering and sounds a bit boring...it's ok if you have other things to do...and it's ok if you want to fight....

Which lead me to her teaching me that standing up for what you believe in is a good thing...she did that a lot...even when she had to disguise herself to be in a battle to see who would take Steve Trevor back to the U.S...obviously Wonder Woman in the U.S. was a great thing...and she had to stand up to the guys in the Justice League a lot...which did lead to some fights...and she wasn't always right...but she didn't let people tell her what to believe...

Another thing I learned from her is to seek out the truth in all situations...sure it was easier for her since she had a lasso of truth...but she always seemed to want to see the crime of argument from all sides...I've always admired that...she even uses the lasso on her friends when they ask to help them see their own truths...

Which also means she taught me how to be a good friend...people don't stop being friend just because they had a disagreement...or because they said something in the heat of the moment that they didn't mean...friends stick by each others side and fight for each other...

She taught me that nothing is impossible...obviously her bracelets taught me that...and I don't mean in a real bullets deflecting bracelets are real way...but in a "I have to stop limiting myself" way...

She taught me to believe in myself...she is so sure of who she is and what her mission is...she goes into every fight ready and unwavering...and she does so great...even when she is dressed as Diana Prince with Steve Trevor ignoring her...she doesn't lose sleep over it because she knows she is a princess who does good and who Steve Trevor really does like...

A lot of these things lead to the main thing she taught me and that is that it's ok to be dangerous...it's encouraged...wanting the truth at all times can be dangerous...being a girl fighter can be dangerous...standing up for the truth can be dangerous...believing in yourself can make you seem dangerous...

Obviously I am not always great at living out these life lessons...I don't always believe in myself...I still limit myself...I have been a shitty friend in the past and probably will be again...I am not the best at seeking out the truth...I get scared of standing up for what I believe in...and sometimes I would rather take a nap than fight...

But she is not done teaching me lessons...and it's pretty clear that I am not done learning them...

All in all though I am thankful I have had her around to teach me how to be dangerous...


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